News /a project by Elite Travel Group Posted on 17 Feb 2019 A project by ETG and Progress International Cooperation between Elite Travel Group, Elite Academy, and Progress International On the verge of training hoteliers, this time Elite Travel Group is cooperating with Progress International to train the hoteliers in Durres city, Albania. How were the hoteliers coached? During January 2019 Elite Travel Group conducted research visits and interviews with the hotels. Next, there was a selection process where 9 hotels in the Durres region were chosen. The coaching was focused on four main aspects: management, health & safety, customer services, and finances. Firstly, regarding management, there was training regarding hotel management procedures, staff recruiting and HR management policy, room division management, property management system usage, channel management, and complaint management. Another important part of this step was the cultural source market briefing to better understand customers from different cultures. Secondly, regarding health & safety, the main focus was to train the housekeeping staff, F&B staff, and also update hygiene procedures. Thirdly, regarding customer services, there was a training for the sales staff, including reservation handling and front desk. This will lead to more satisfied customers which is crucial for any hotel. Lastly, there were improvements regarding the financial aspect of the business. We focused on the implementation of a payment gateway, improvement of financial accounting, and also the enforcement of financial compliance. Takeaways from the project The result of the project was very fruitful. Elite Travel Group, Elite Academy, and Progress International managed to train all 9 hoteliers and one of them is among the biggest hotelier groups in Albania nowadays. Training hoteliers in Albania and the Balkans is essential so that they can always comply with the international standards of service. We are proud to say that this coaching project has improved and prepared them for the future of Albanian tourism. Stay tuned for our next projects and events! BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Category: Corporate News
Green October
News /sustainability challenge Posted on 06 Mar 2020 Green October: A sustainability challenge Four weeks, four challenges. Elite Travel Group constantly strives to become a more sustainable and eco-friendly company. That is why we made October 2019 a green month. From September 30th to October 27th, we had a new sustainability challenge every week. These challenges were quick, entertaining, and everybody could be a part of them. They were in the form of competitions, and each department represented a team. By the end of the week, the winning team got a prize. Challenge #1: The sustainability quiz The first challenge of the month was the sustainability quiz. Each day a new question was put up on a poster on the main ETG entrance. Then, everyone had to guess the answer and submit it online. The team that was closer to the right answer would get the most points. As a result, besides aiming to win, this challenge helped us learn a lot of facts about sustainability in Albania. Challenge #2: Trashbin upcycling During the second week, in a 1.5h Workshop, we turned old water canisters, into recycling bins for our departments. For that, we used handicrafts and all sorts of colorful materials. Afterward, we gave points to the most practical, creative, and beautiful bins. Challenge #3: Sports and games week In the third week, we had 15- minute sports or game activities every day during lunch break. These activities consisted of yoga, basketball, and competitive games. We divided into two teams, and each person who participated gained one point. By the end of the week, the team with the most points won the prize. Challenge #4: Overshoot day, Trash pick up October 24, 2019, was Albania’s Country Overshoot Day. On this day, Albania used up all the resources that it could sustainably use within one year. To make a change, we had to pick up trash in the “Rinia” park for one hour. We can proudly say that it resulted in a very successful challenge. The aim was not only to create awareness for sustainability issues and to make the company more sustainable but also to have fun as a team. We closed the Green October Challenge with a better understanding of sustainability and also a little more motivated. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Sustainability at Lufthansa
News / sustainability at Lufthansa City Center Posted on 31 Mar 2020 Sustainability at Lufthansa City Center Sustainability at Lufthansa City Center is an important process. In our LCC network, we have some inspiring examples. Let’s start off this new series with a practice from LCC Elite Travel in Albania reported by Elvis Kotherja. Elvis, what was the purpose of carrying out the training? The training was all about creating a Train of Trainers (ToT) program to educate LCC travel agents all around the world. To that program, we also wanted to include the sustainability topic besides other subjects and offer an e-learning option that is available and accessible to everyone at the same time no matter where they are. We are living in an era of disruption and deep technology changes, and we do believe that by creating this world-class LCC Travel Agent module that includes soft and hard skills, sustainability practices as well as additional skills for the new tools we use today, we can guarantee the LCC family growth worldwide. We need to have a standard among our Human Resources, so we are known as a brand that offers and shares the same values and quality services. Lufthansa City Center already has the best IT tools, expertise, networking, and purchasing power. With our LCC Travel Agent module, we complete the puzzle of high-end competency. Welcome 2021, worth being a Lufthansa City Center member! Elite Travel LCC is the first company in Albania to become a Travelife partner, and now in the process of becoming Travelife certified, and we aim to reach it in the second half of 2020. What is your position regarding sustainability? We have been long working on sustainability practices, which come with different challenges in different countries. Sustainability comes on three aspects, social, economic and environmental. Our country has been going through a long time of transition period to find its position in the global market. Our education system has suffered so that the young generation could not be offered the right education. Therefore our company has been entirely focused on the social aspect and particularly the education of youth, which is the most valuable and secured investment for the future. We offer training to young generations in more than 10 professions, where coding and graphic design are the most frequented. We also contribute a lot to the environment. Some of the practices are: Stable air condition in the wintertime at 24 degrees Having all services on IT cloud and use less paper The paper we use for printing is more expensive but it is biodegradable Taking stairs instead of the elevator Car sharing Different staff incentivizing to those who produce less CO2 throughout the month All the activities mentioned above are monitored by our Green Team that consists of employees of our company. For more information on Sustainability at Lufthansa City Center please contact Elvis Kotherja at BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Tourism in the balkans
News/tourism in the balkans post covid Posted on 15 May 2020 Tourism in the balkans post COVID-19 For almost three months, we have been coping with an unexpected situation. It seemed like the outbreak of COVID-19 stopped the world and affected all humankind globally. Traveling was one of the things that were affected the most, restricting everyone in every corner of the globe. Inevitably, we started to wonder how will tourism be in the Balkans post COVID-19. Situation in the balkans Although Covid-19 reached the Balkans, compared to some other parts of the world, there are considerably fewer confirmed cases. The numbers are getting lower and lower each day. Therefore, some countries are taking their first decisions concerning tourism. Greece, being one of the main tourist destinations, has announced the revival of tourism in July 1st. The government decided to open the country gradually, starting with ancient cultural heritage sites on May 18th, and museums in June. Nevertheless, further details concerning hygienic conditions during flights still need to be clarified on May 15th. Croatia has lifted almost all measures taken during the pandemic. The government plans to open the borders with neighboring countries soon. Initially, only those who own real estate in Croatia or come for business will enter the country. However, the authorities are seriously considering the start of the high tourist season. As for other countries of the region, official decisions still need to be made. Yet, most of the Balkans have decided to either ease or lift the preventive measures. Situation in Albania In Albania, we are slowly going back to normality, and the government is gradually lifting the preventive measures. Due to the restrictions that we followed, the virus did not spread as rapidly and massively as in other countries. Therefore, the numbers are decreasing day by day. As a result, 90% of the businesses have reopened, and people do not have curfews anymore. Meanwhile, hotels, restaurants, and services are preparing to return to business. The government might slowly start opening borders around June 1st, and soon we can be a target destination again. Of course, some rules must be followed. However, since we are a safe country, we are preparing for this year’s touristic season. While doing that, we are making sure that the tourists have a relaxing, and safe experience in our beautiful Albania. As always, Elite Travel Group is happy to answer any of your questions regarding Albania as a destination. So, do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Etg Experience
News / ETG experience Posted on 26 Nov 2020 ETG experience during european VET week European Vocational Skills Week 2020, the fifth edition of an annual event where different organizations around Europe showcase the best of vocational education and training (VET). This year, the event was organized to be completely online with the theme “VET for Green and Digital Transitions”. We saw this as a great opportunity to showcase ETG’s initiative to support our local VET programs and also to offer our own through Elite Academy. EU VET 2020 Everything about blogging Full Stack Developer in .Net IT & AI in tourism Digital Marketing in the future Brands of Global Tourism Industry Guidelines for an excellent tour guide Multimedia in the future Our activities during the VET week The European Vocational Skills Week 2020 was held during 9-13 November. In the frame of this event, Elite Academy presented 7 courses online for students, teachers, and everyone interested. The topics were: Multimedia in the Future Guidelines for an excellent tour guide Brands of Global Tourism Industry Digital Marketing for the Future IT & AI in Tourism Everything about Blogging Full Stack Developer in .Net Each presentation introduced the participants to a new perspective on the workforce and explore their talents. The aim was to show students and other participants not simply what we offer, but also to give them some more information regarding their opportunities and inspire them for the future. We were happy to see that around 138 participants enjoyed these webinars. If you missed them you can find the recordings on our Facebook Group. Due to the success of this event, we look forward to welcome new students who want to participate to our courses at Elite Academy. Our point of view Just like the European Vocational Skills Week initiative, we believe that VET is very important not only for the Albanian but also for the European youth. We think that there is a lot of potential to find new talents through VET, and also to prepare students for what the future awaits. In our opinion, if there is enough investment in education and professional training, then we will be leading the next generations towards a better and brighter future. Stay tuned for our next events and activities! BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Industria e turizmit ne Shqiperi
News /industria e turizmit në Shqipëri Posted on 26 Jan 2021 Industria e turizmit në Shqipëri gjatë 2019 Turizmi padyshim është një nga sektorët kryesorë të ekonomisë botërore. Madje në shtete të caktuara, është një komponent jetësor i ekonmisë. Ka një mori avantazhesh që sjell turizmi për vende të ndryshme. Disa prej tyre janë të ardhurat, zhvillimet e infrastrukturës, krijimi i punëve të reja, si edhe shkëmbimi kulturor mes të huajve dhe shtetasve. Çdo vit World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) sjell raportin vjetor me të dhëna rreth ndikimit të këtij sektori në ekonominë globale, por edhe të të gjitha shteteve specifike. Raporti global Sipas WTTC, sektori i turizmit, ka patur një kontribut 10,3% në GDP totale. Gjithashtu, ka siguruar 330 milion të punësuar në nivel botëror. Për më tepër, rritja e industrisë së turizmit (3,5%) ka tejkaluar edhe rritjen e përgjithshme të ekonomisë botërore (2,5). Raporti për Shqipërinë Vendi ynë ka një pafundësi potencialesh turistike dhe gjithnjë e më tepër ka parë një fuqizim të këtij sektori. Sipas WTTC, shihet se turizmi ka patur një kontribut prej 358.3 miliard lekë, apo 21.2%, në ekonominë e përgjithshme shqiptare. Kjo tregon se rritja vjetore në GDP nga industria e turizmit është shumë më e lartë sesa rritja e përgjithshme ekonomike në Shqipëri. Ndikimi i kësaj industrie dallohet jo vetëm nga rritja ekonomike që i sjell vendit tonë, por edhe nga kontributi që ajo ka në punësim. Rreth 22,2% e të punësuarve në të gjithë Shqiprinë janë në sektorin e turizmit. Kjo do të thotë një numër të konsiderueshëm prej 254.300 vende pune. Burimi kryesor i të ardhurave nga ky sektor vjen nga vizitorët ndërkombëtarë me një shumë prej 275.5 miliard lekë. Këto shpenzime nga vizitorët e huaj përbëjnë rreth 76% të totalit. Pavarësisht shifrave mjaft të larta, Shqipëria ka ende hapësira për t’u zhvilluar, në mënyrë që të arrijë potencialin e saj të plotë. Faktorë si infrastruktura apo cilësia e shërbimeve kanë bërë që zhvillimi i turizmit të mos jetë shumë i qëndrueshëm në terma afat-gjatë. Gjithsesi, nuk mund të mohoet fakti që industria e turizmit në Shqipëri është dhe do vazhdojë të jetë një nga sektorët më të rëndësishëm të zhvillimit ekonomik në vend. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Health and safety advancements at etg
News / health and safety advancements Posted on 19 May 2020 Post COVID-19 health and safety advancements at ETG Health and safety have always been a priority for Elite Travel Group. Ever since we started our business 20 years ago, we have strived to do the best for tourism and our clients. As the world evolves into digitalization, we make sure to consistently adapt to the changes. Since 2010 we have been working with international expertise to address the health and safety of tourism suppliers. As many of you already know, we have been working on a safety management system plan and workflow process. We intend to be able to conduct paperless safety inspections, audits, and checklists on-the-go by uploading safety forms. What are We currently working on? Recently ETG is constantly working on 3 important directions: health and safety advancements The first one is supporting government institutions. We advise them on how to conduct a prevention plan and simple legislation that could be easily absorbed, and logistically implemented by tourism suppliers. Secondly, we want to help the tourism suppliers with HCCAP Health Care Consumer Assistance Program – Training module. We plan to do so at a very low cost so that they can afford it and implement it. All this is tailored and certified by one of the most prestigious international partners. They have several decades of experience, on and offshore in safety management system implementation. Lastly, the plan is that by the end of 2020, we will implement this digital solution for risk management and the safety management system. This program aims to prevent technical glitches, human failures, promote safety and reduce risks. It will identify, assess, and control hazards to employees and the public in all operations. Currently, we are working on the actuality status of the COVID-19 pandemic case. We have implemented the daily, weekly, and monthly prevention plans inside the system. What are We trying to achieve? To summarize, by working to fully digitize this process, we will take safety to the next level. There will be incident reports, toolbox talks, equipment tracking, mobility, natural disasters, hazard management, and much more. We will be the sole player in Albania and the entire region, where suppliers will be qualified based on client reviews, sustainability qualification, their safety management system, and client behavior records. All this will be transparent in our software, bringing a whole different way of evaluation for these businesses, especially in Albania. Following the implementation of the safety management system, we will be looking forward to implementing standardization for a safer future for our clients, our suppliers, and our business. We believe that life after Covid-19 will be different. Therefore, we must be prepared for future challenges. The global society, and particularly the fragile global tourism industry, must adapt to such globally disruptive events. Stay in touch for further updates on our advancements! What are We trying to achieve? Firstly, we have Elite Travel Albania which is an inbound service provider only to B2C (Business to Client). ETA offers theme-tailored services and guaranteed departures, tours, excursions, shore excursions, transfers, rent a car, luxury programs, and other land products. These services are offered throughout Eastern Europe, the Balkans countries, and Albania as well. Elite Travel Albania’s carefully crafted routes take you to both the classic sights and lesser-known, rural highlights. The passion and desire are still at the highest level. Next, we have Elite Travel Agency. It is a tour operator for Albanians traveling out of Albania especially to the Balkan Regions and Central Europe. It offers accommodation for weekends/weekly stays, weekend breaks, cultural trips, and daily excursions. ETAg also has its contracted cruise offers for which inland services are done and operated by Elite Travel Group. And lastly, it offers explorations with 12 international trips in 5 continents, 1 each month. The company bases its work on very professional staff and with considerable experience in the field of services. The third profit center is Elite Travel Lufthansa City Center. This profit center provides its services to Albanian clients, Albanian businesses, and also International corporate accounts. These services include airplane tickets, ferry tickets, visa service, accommodation, tour packages, and airport transfers. Elite Travel – LCC with 20 years of experience in the travel business, is already part of a global network Lufthansa City Center known as the best and most reliable company in the global travel market, with about 5500 employees, 650 agencies in most more than 80 countries around the globe. As for the inbound service provider for B2B (Business to Business), we have Elite DMC. It offers hospitality products such as special accommodation contracts, round trips, theme tours, excursions and experiences, transfer services, shore excursions, Luxury programs, MICE, and many other land services. Elite DMC offers these services throughout Eastern Europe, Balkans countries, and Albania. In addition, our Elite Mobility profit center offers transport services, rent a car, rent driver services in Albania and the Balkans. We have Elite Academy which offers training and courses (especially for the tourism industry) focused on the principles of dual study. This is a nonprofit section, but the company is benefiting by qualifying young employees, improve its image, awareness, and company culture. This is done by offering social responsibility activities and this is considered a profit of professional development. Elite Academy is made of a group of dedicated tourism professionals with a great deal of experience. Everybody is constantly attentive to global tourism trends, especially digitalization, which is constantly changing the industry. Elite Academy is aware of the urgent need for competent serving staff in hospitality and provides both introductory and advanced training that is specially adapted to the needs of the tourism and hospitality sector. Its courses are characterized by a combination of theoretical training and direct practice. Elite Coaching helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals grow in a variety of ways. They usually work on a fixed schedule to share actionable feedback, personalized advice, and growth plans for their clients to increase company revenue, accelerate […]
Updated Covid 19 H&S
News/updated Covid-19 H&S travel protocol Posted on 07 Jul 2020 Our updated Covid-19 H&S travel protocol As the world starts to travel again, we know that restrictions and protocols will rapidly change and evolve. Therefore, from now on Elite Travel Group will continually follow the World Travel and Tourism Council Safe Travels Global Protocols. This is our updated COVID 19 Health and Safety Travel Protocol. We have also reached our suppliers so that they can review the guidelines listed below. COVID health and safety protocol Accommodation Starting with accommodation guidelines, all hotel employees must wear masks in direct contact with guests. They must be trained based on the hygiene regulations of COVID-19. Each hotel should make sure that employees work in fixed teams so that contact can be reduced. In addition, before the arrival of each guest, the cleaning of the rooms should be done with suitable disinfectants. Especially the pillows have to be thoroughly disinfected, and the room should be ventilated. To remind guests regarding the rules, hotels must place signs around their spaces and have sufficient disinfectant dispensers in all relevant areas. Also, guests must make sure to wear mouth and nose protections whenever they are in the lobby, elevator, or closed public areas. All entertainment activities can proceed without close contact and by keeping a minimum distance of 1.50 m. COVID health and safety protocol Guides We train our tour guides regularly regarding the rules of conduct in connection with the Corona pandemic. In the event of any suspected cases, every tour guide acts according to the ETG crisis manual. For on-site visits, ETG will organize and carry out test runs in advance. Besides that, the tour guide will ensure and inform the group in the morning that the bus has been thoroughly cleaned, ventilated, and disinfected overnight. Check-in/out There are a few different forms that check-in/out will proceed. The first one is by us as DMC or while being on the bus. In this case, the tour guide will distribute the appropriate forms to the clients and hand them over to the hotel staff after completion. The second way is through electronic check-in in advance by the guest. And the third way is by checking-in in small groups of a maximum of 2 people. If possible, guests will receive their room key from the tour guide and hand it over to their tour guide at check-out. Meals Our hotel partners predominantly do not have meals in buffet form. Instead, most of the meals are served “à la carte” at the table. When it comes to breakfast, you can ask to have it in your room. (please make sure that the offer is extensive). Moreover, inside the restaurant, a minimum distance of 1.5 m is maintained and, if necessary, meal times per room/travel group are specified. When visiting external restaurants, make sure to observe the rules of distance and that meals are à la carte. Transfers The buses and coaches used will be loaded with a maximum of 50% of the permitted capacity to ensure a sufficient distance between passengers (currently valid until 30.09.20). Additionally, passengers should wear mouth/nose protection on the transfer buses. Also, we will provide disinfectants for the hands in sufficient quantities in the buses. If possible, passengers will enter or leave the bus only from the rear door and in an orderly manner from front to back. The exit of the bus is from the back to the front to avoid contact with other passengers. Furthermore, we will assign a fixed seating order for the entire duration of the journey, which the guests will stick to. Before each travel group, we will make sure to thoroughly disinfect the buses. Bus round trips Buses will be loaded with a maximum of 50% of the permitted capacity (initially valid until 30.9.2020) to ensure sufficient distance between passengers. However, guests who stay in the same room may sit together on the bus, otherwise only one person per row of 2 persons, every second row remains free. The initial welcome should be contactless. The guide and driver must wear masks and gloves. In the case of guests that show symptoms, they will be immediately separated from the group, and we will take them to the doctor. Our tour guides always carry information about the nearest doctors and hospitals. On the buses, it is recommended that guests wear mouth/nose protection. Visits We have carefully observed the regulations of individual countries regarding the limitation of guests at places of interest and the necessary distance rules. If necessary we may have to adjust the travel arrangements. The tour guide will wear a mask and speak loudly so that all guests can understand what they say. In addition, the guide must have a microphone. Nonetheless, audio systems are not allowed, as the use of them involves too many contacts. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Global Customer Survey
News / global customer survey by Lufthansa Posted on 07 Aug 2020 Lufthansa City Center global customer survey: the desire to travel is great Lufthansa City Center (LCC) is the world’s largest independent franchise company in the travel agency market with more than 570 offices in 95 countries and a total turnover of around 5.3 billion euros (business year 2018) – 5,43 billion Euros (business year 2019). LCC is active in the leisure (tourism) and corporate (business travel) sectors. The LCC business travel division operates under the label LCC Business Travel. The chain of owner-managed medium-sized travel agencies includes 300 offices with around 2,400 employees in Germany alone. The travel agency network employs around 5,300 people worldwide. LCC global customer survey How Was the Survey Conducted? From May 20-th until June 12-th, 2020, LCC conducted a customer survey among all international LCC customers. A total of 2,288 customers – including 1,089 corporate and 1,199 leisure customers – from 48 countries took part in the survey. The majority of these customers came from Western Europe (36.10 percent), followed by Eastern Europe (20.59 percent), Middle East/Africa (12.81 percent), Asia (12.36 percent), The Americas (18.15 percent). Among the corporate respondents, 27 percent were travel managers, 9 percent procurement specialists, 27 per-cent travelers, and 37 percent stated a different area of responsibility. The purpose was to analyze the travel behavior and the changing needs of travelers during COVID-19. The results showed that travel and face-to-face meetings will not be replaced by virtual meetings in the future. Despite COVID-19, the desire to travel continues to be great, and the demand will increase in the upcoming months. These findings mean positive news for travel agencies. As stated by Martina Groenegres, Managing Director of Lufthansa City Center International (LCCI): “Our international LCC travel agencies have been tremendously challenged over the past weeks. This survey among our LCC customers emphasizes a positive trend. It reveals the combination of an increasing choice, reduced travel warnings, and the opening of borders, as well as the expert knowledge of the individual LCC travel consultant, will be key for our customers.” Business travel continues to be important For most respondents, business travel is vital. Three-quarters of the respondents believe that the volume of travel will decrease by at least 50 percent in 2020. For 2021, the results look more positive: 38 percent said that the travel volume is going to be the same as in 2019. Replacing business travel with virtual meetings is out of the question for the majority, 83 percent prefer real meetings versus video conferences. Also, the travel plans after COVID-19 are promising. 53 percent plan to journey again after three months, 34 percent after six months. However, with a similar or smaller budget. Among all respondents, air travel remains the main means of transport for their business trips. LCC global customer survey Consumers want to travel The desire to travel is great among leisure customers. The majority is planning a trip in 2020– 48 percent regional and cross-border and 30 percent intercontinental. Many of them can hardly wait: 36 percent intend to travel after three months and 32 percent after six months. For more than half of the responders, last-minute offers are also an option. Beach and city breaks continue to be very popular (with 62 percent and 54 percent), followed by countryside and mountain holidays (each with 33 percent). As for the means of transport, 90 percent of those questioned prefer air travel over their car (73 percent), and 68 percent want to stay in a hotel. The expertise of travel agencies is wanted In the future, travel agencies and their expertise will be in demand more than ever. “Apart from new technologies, the relevance of care products as well as new hygiene and safety services, it is the trusted relation to the competent travel expert with local contacts world-wide that makes a difference”, says Martina Groenegres. Also, additional information will be required. For example, 50 percent of the corporate customers want information on the local health situation, 24-hour service, or help in adapting travel guidelines. 43 percent of the leisure customers would pay extra for the service required due to COVID-19. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
Studimi Global i Klienteve
News /studimi global i klientëve Posted on 07 Aug 2020 Studimi global i klientëve nga Lufthansa City Center: Dëshira për të udhëtuar është e madhe Lufthansa City Center (LCC) është rrjeti më i madh i agjensive të udhëtimit në botë me më shumë se 570 zyra në 95 shtete. LCC është active si në sektorin e udhetimit për turizëm, ashtu edhe në atë të biznesit. Ky rrjet agjensish turistike punëson rreth 5,300 njerëz në mbarë botën. Lufthansa City Center (LCC) është rrjeti më i madh i agjensive të udhëtimit në botë me më shumë se 570 zyra në 95 shtete. LCC është active si në sektorin e udhetimit për turizëm, ashtu edhe në atë të biznesit. Ky rrjet agjensish turistike punëson rreth 5,300 njerëz në mbarë botën. Si u zhvillua studimi? Nga 20 Maji deri në 12 Qershor 2020, LCC zhvilloi një studim mbi klientët e saj internacional. Një total prej 2,288 klientësh, (1,089 prej tyre klientë korporatash dhe 1,199 klientë për turizëm) nga 48 shtete morën pjesë. Shumica e klientëve vinin nga Europa perëndimore (36.10%), ndjekur nga Europa lindore (20.59%), Lindja e Mesme/Afrika (12.81%), Azia (12.36%), Amerika Veriore & Jugore (18.15%). Mes klientëve nga korporatat, 27% ishin menaxherë udhëtimi, 9% specialistë të prokurimit, 27% udhëtarë dhe 37% deklaruan se i përkisnin një fushe tjetër. Qëllimi ishte të analizohej mënyra e të udhëtuarit dhe ndryshimet e nevojave të klientëve gjatë COVID-19. Rezultatet tregojnë se në të ardhmen, udhëtimet dhe takimet ballë për ballë nuk do të zëvendësohen me takime virtuale. Pavarësisht COVID-19, dëshira për të udhëtuar vazhdon të mbetet e madhe dhe kërkesa për të udhëtuar do të rritet në muajt në vazhdim. Këto gjetje janë një lajm pozitiv për agjensitë e udhëtimit. Martina Groenegres, drejtoresha e menaxhimit në Lufthansa City Center International (LCCI) pohon se: “Agjensitë tona ndërkombëtare të udhëtimit LCC janë sfiduar jashtëzakonisht shumë gjatë javëve të kaluara. Ky studim i bërë te klientët tanë të LCC-së thekson një prirje pozitive dhe zbulon se kombinimi i një zgjedhjeje në rritje, paralajmërimet e reduktuara të udhëtimit, hapja e kufijve si dhe njohuritë eksperte të konsulentit individual të udhëtimit të LCC-së do të jenë thelbësore për klientët tanë”. Udhëtimet për arsye biznesi vazhdojnë të jenë të rëndësishme Për shumicën e të anketuarve, udhëtimi për arsye biznesi është i domosdoshëm. Tre të katërtat e të anketuarve besojnë se vëllimi i udhëtimit do të ulet me të paktën 50% në vitin 2020. Ndërsa për vitin 2021, rezultatet duken më pozitive: 38% thanë se vëllimi i udhëtimit do të jetë i njëjtë si në vitin 2019. Sipas shumicës së të anketuarve, zëvendësimi i udhëtimeve të biznesit me takime virtuale nuk duhet të merret fare parasysh: 83% preferojnë takime të vërteta dhe jo konferencave online. Planet e udhëtimit pas COVID-19 janë gjithashtu shumë premtuese: 53% planifikojnë të udhëtojnë përsëri pas tre muajsh dhe 34% pas gjashtë muajsh, edhe pse me një buxhet të njëjtë apo më të vogël. Sipas të gjithë të anketuarve, udhëtimi ajror mbetet mënyra kryesore e transportit për udhëtimet e tyre për arsye biznesi. Udhëtimet për arsye biznesi vazhdojnë të jenë të rëndësishme Klientët e kohës së lirë kanë një dëshirë shumë të madhe për të udhëtuar. Pjesa më e madhe e kësaj kategorie po planifikon të udhëtojë brenda vitit 2020, ku 48% e tyre po planifikojnë të udhëtojnë në vendet e rajonit dhe në shtetet ndërkufitare, dhe 30% po planifikojnë udhëtime ndërkontinentale. Disa klientë të kësaj kategorie mezi po presin udhëtimet që do të bëjnë ku 36% prej tyre synojnë të udhëtojnë pas tre muajsh dhe 32% pas gjashtë muajsh. Sipas më shumë se gjysmës së të anketuarve, ofertat e minutës së fundit janë gjithashtu një mundësi zgjedhjeje. Pushimet në plazhe dhe qytete vazhdojnë të jenë shumë të kërkuara me respektivisht 62% dhe 54%, të ndjekura nga pushimet në fshat dhe pushimet malore, secila me 33%. Sa i përket mënyrave të të udhëtuarit, 90% e të anketuarve preferojnë udhëtimin ajror në vend të makinës së tyre 73%, dhe 68% dëshirojnë të qëndrojnë në një hotel. Kërkohet ekspertiza e agjencive të udhëtimit Në të ardhmen, agjensitë e udhëtimit dhe ekspertiza e tyre do të kërkohen më shumë se kurrë. Martina Groenegres pohon se përveç teknologjive të reja, rëndësisë së produkteve të kujdesit, higjienës dhe shërbimeve të reja të sigurisë, ndryshim të madh përbën edhe marrëdhënia e besimit që eksperti i udhëtimit ka me kontakte lokale në mbarë botën. Informacioni shtesë do të kërkohet gjithashtu. Për shembull, 50% e klientëve të korporatave dëshirojnë informacion mbi situatën e shëndetit lokal, shërbimin 24-orësh ose ndihmë në përshtatjen me udhëzimet e udhëtimit. 43% e klientëve të kohës së lirë janë të gatshëm të paguajnë më tepër për të pasur shërbimin e kërkuar për shkak të situatës së krijuar prej COVID-19. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
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