
Driving Towards a Sustainable Future with Elite Travel Group and Elite Mobility

Posted on 5 June 2024

“We believe that true sustainability means investing and taking actionable steps to ensure a better future for our planet.”

At Elite Mobility, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond words. We believe that true sustainability means investing and taking actionable steps to ensure a better future for our planet. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on providing exceptional mobility services while prioritizing environmental responsibility.

Leading the Way with (EV) electric vehicle transfers

In 2024, we are proud to announce that 90% of our transfers within Albania, covering distances up to 150 km, are organized using (EV) electric vehicles. This significant shift towards e-cars is part of our broader strategy to reduce our carbon footprint and promote greener travel options. Each year, we process over 7,000 transfers with our fleet and third-party vehicles, and this move to electric vehicles is a testament to our dedication to sustainable practices.

Our Sustainability Commitment

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Elite Mobility. Our initiatives are driven by the belief that taking tangible actions today will pave the way for a sustainable tomorrow. From adopting electric vehicles to investing in a modern fleet, we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable tourism practices.

Aiming for Excellence in Fleet Modernization

By 2030, Elite Mobility aims to be the number one company in Albania and the region with the newest and most modern coach fleet. We are investing in advanced, eco-friendly coaches that provide comfort, safety, and efficiency for our passengers. This commitment to fleet modernization ensures that we not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers, offering them the best possible travel experience.

Elite Mobility from 2025 “No Borders” with a presence in EU

Our vision extends beyond national & regional boundaries. We aim to have no borders within the Western Balkans and EU, facilitating seamless travel experiences across regions and European countries. By enhancing connectivity and providing reliable, efficient transport solutions, we strive to make travel more accessible and enjoyable for all our clients no matter where they land or take off in the EU or Western Balkans.

By May 2024, a delegation from Elite Travel Group and Auto Star Albania visited the factory of Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches in Ulm/Germany.

Dritan Tabaku, Doret & Elvis Kotherja from ETG and Mr. Sokol Kodra from Auto Star Albania.

We met there with the management and ordered already the first new 0 km Mercedes Benz coach ever ordered from Albania.

Elite Mobility purchased a Mercedes Benz RHD Tourismo From Auto Star Albania that will be delivered in the first months of 2025, all this is shows that we are committed to continue to path to our objectives and vision.

Auto Star Albania sh.a., the official representative of Mercedes-Benz in Albania, has been a success story since its establishment in 1996 as the first official distributor of vehicles in the country. Since joining the Kastrati Group in 2015 (one of the major commercial groups in Albania), Auto Star Albania has significantly expanded its facilities and services, offering a state-of-the-art showroom, enhanced service areas, and extensive spare parts storage. The company continues to lead the market with innovative financing options and a commitment to advanced technology and professional staff development.


Elite Travel Group, an active participant in Key Events of the Tourism Industry during the last quarter of the year.

Posted on 23 January 2024

During Q4 of 2023, the managing director of Elite Travel Group, Mr. Elvis Kotherja, has been an engaged stakeholder at some of the major events within the tourism, travel and hospitality industry

1. Roundtable Meeting – State Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate & American Chamber of Commerce.

“The Global Entrepreneurship Week” created an interesting space for discussion in the “Morning at Work” of the American Chamber of Commerce with the Minister of Entrepreneurship, Delina Ibrahimaj. The central topics related to the business climate, which are shared in the work, became the focal point of discussion between the leaders of the committees at AmCham and Minister Ibrahimaj.”

2. Meeting with Tourism Associations – Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate (Deregulation).

The Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate has recently undertaken an initiative to further facilitate services to businesses in all sectors of the economy. Mrs. Delina Ibrahimaj, the Minister for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate, was present at this important meeting, organized at the Ministry’s premises. The aim of the meeting was the clarification and facilitation of all processes for business entrepreneurs. The meeting included experts, association leaders, and business entrepreneurs as invited guests.

3. Meeting with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment

The Ministry of Tourism and Environment is reviewing the amended law 93/2015 “On Tourism,” as well as initiating work on drafting the “National Tourism Strategy 2024-2030.” The changes in tourism legislation focus on:
– Continuous improvement of the quality of services in the tourism sector.
– Building a healthy and safe environment, respecting the needs of host communities.

The changes aim to simplify procedures for carrying out tourist activities, creating a business-friendly climate without compromising service standards.

4. Horwath HTL and Tourism and Hospitality Development Strategy 2024–2030.

Horwath HTL has been selected by the Albanian government to consult and develop the “Tourism and Hospitality Development Strategy 2024–2030.” Mr. Elvis Kotherja was present in a meeting with the experts. The focus was on discussing, addressing, and advising on issues of sustainable tourism and the vision from the perspective of a business leader, as well as the leader of the hospitality and tourism committee at AMCHAM.

5. Professions in Tourism. Cooperation Agreement with Faculty of Foreign Languages. 

Mr. Elvis Kotherja, the company’s managing director had meeting and discussion with Prof. Dr. Esmeralda Kromidha, the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Topics concerning the professions within the hospitality and tourism industry were discussed. The discussion also covered professional practices, scientific research, and study programs involving partner universities for dual degrees. Towards the meeting’s conclusion, a cooperation agreement for research and professional practices with the Elite Travel Group was formalized.

6. AMCHAM Meeting – Faculty of Foreign Languages

The American Chamber participated in the ‘Open Days‘ event at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, sharing, through its members’ activities, their experiences and expectations regarding the workforce in accordance with market needs.”. Mr. Elvis Kotherja, as the head of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee at AMCHAM, was present at this meeting.

A practical discussion among all participants focused on how the school prepares students with skills to navigate a changing market every day. The discussion also touched on how businesses should engage with the university system to orient it in organizing curricula.

7. School’s Board of Directors -AMCHAM

In his role as the Head of the Business Management Board of the Elbasan Professional School, Mr. Elvis Kotherja was invited to the AKPA offices. Following Ministry of Finance and Economy Directive no. 14, dated May 27, 2021, which addresses the organization and activities of educational and vocational training institutions, as well as human resource management aspects, the structure of the unit responsible for the development of education providers, vocational training, and continuous professional development underwent changes. The Central Directorate of the National Employment and Skills Agency conducted the procedures for selecting the Director of the Elbasan Professional School. In the first days of January, Mr. Leonidha Haxhinikolla was selected as the director of the professional school. Best of luck to the director, staff, and the Elbasan Professional School.


Elite Travel Group featured in “The Best Pictures from Albania” by FVW Medien

Posted on 6 November 2023

As the tourism industry grows in Albania, so does the interest from foreign travel corporations.
In particular, the German market.

During the summer season of 2023 Elite Travel Group hosted an inspection trip or otherwise known as a familiarization trip “FAM Trip” with a group of representatives from German travel companies accompanied by a journalist of the prestigious German travel media “FVW” which is the go-to media for all senior executives of the German travel industry.

The photos of this “FAM Trip” have been featured in the latest announcement that Albania will officially be the host country of ITB 2025, the largest travel event in the world hosted every March in the city of Berlin.

You can find the article here:

The photos featured our Managing Director, Elvis Kotherja and our Head of Sales and Partnerships, Krist Dodbiba.

Elite Travel Group will continue dedicating itself to the development of the Albanian hospitality industry through its travel products, close relationships with local hospitality suppliers, and our efforts in the field of education.

Elite Travel Group
Everlasting Experiences


Elite Travel Group Honored with the Prestigious SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania 2023

Posted on 31 October 2023

Tirana, Albania, October 24, 2023 – On the occasion of United Nations Day, the Embassy of Sweden in Albania and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) proudly announced the launch of the inaugural SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania 2023. We are thrilled to declare that Elite Travel Group has been honored as the winner in the Medium Enterprise category.

The SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania is a visionary initiative aimed at recognizing and celebrating companies that demonstrate dedication to sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Elite Travel Group has consistently shown an unwavering commitment to driving positive change through our product offerings, operational practices, and overarching business strategies.

Among a total of 61 diverse Albanian enterprises, our organization underwent a rigorous three-tiered evaluation process. This comprehensive assessment included UNDP internal shortlisting, external evaluation by industry experts, and meticulous due diligence to ensure transparency and accountability in the selection process. Emerging as a standout example of sustainable leadership within the Medium Enterprise category is a testament to our dedication to a more sustainable future.

The entire team at Elite Travel Group is honored to represent Albania as an SDG Business Pioneer. We recognize that our journey towards sustainability is a collective effort, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported us along the way.

Elite Travel Group
Everlasting Experiences

News/ETG cooperation with "Salih Ceka" VET school

Posted on 6 April 2023

“Elite Travel Group has always wanted to be up to date and bring innovation to the field of tourism. Based on personal interest, but also on an insurmountable study of the situation in the country, we developed the vision that Albania had and continues to have a great need for investment in vocational education.

I say vision for two reasons. First, the need made people aware of this important aspect of the market and secondly, we have been the first to persistently propose the introduction of ‘Dual System’ in the education system, a system that starts at high school then followed at university.

There are no students not to have talent and skills. They should only be advised and directed in such a way as to explore their talent free and securely. I believe that cooperation with the vocational school ‘Salih Ceka’ is successful precisely thanks to the guideline we provide for students and the common desire to be progressive.”

Elvis Kotherja, General Manager of ELITE TRAVEL GROUP

How did cooperation begin?

This cooperation cannot be redeemed without first recognizing the twenty-one-year tradition of Elite Travel Group in the field of tourism. In 2013 the vision for the introduction of the dual system into the education system was readily accepted as an important requirement for the development of vocational education. In 2019 Elite Travel Group is contacted and held talks with the School Business Coordinator, Julian Kasapi (ICT profile teacher). Talks took place on the line of vocational practices (Law on vocational education, Instruction 14, March 2020) in business. An agreement was reached (20 February 2021) and at first 34 students became part of these practices, then 46, 70 and this number gets bigger by the day.

At the time the school offered to students the profiles of Hotels and Tourism, Textile-Confusions, Thermohydraulic Systems Installer, ICT, Economics-Business, Wood Processing. Practices near Elite Travel Group initially began in Hotels and Tourism of in the Tourist Guide profile and TIK direction (programming, graphic design). Profile Services on Travel and Tourism have then been added (H-T) and Digital Marketing Profile (ICT).

This collaboration has flourished over time, strengthening friendship and collaboration between the school and Elite Travel Group. This relationship has served the community by creating new jobs and training future professionals. The common vision between the two structures has led to the creation and implementation of traditions and projects of value and importance. Four school students have been employed by Elite Travel Group, a fact that we feel good and hopeful about integrating young people into the market.

Ongoing training

The climate created by the development of practices paved the way for the development of a number of different trainings related directly to student training: Programming, Web Full-Stack Page Development, Graphic Design, Digital Management, Tourist Operator, Touristic Agent. These training has been done in collaboration with Elite Academy, the company’s academy, which aims to educate and train young people.

In addition to ongoing training, in cooperation with the company, the school has several times visited the business where students have closely affected the experience of working in the premises and with the demands of Elite Travel Group. Also, cooperation has also continued in the joint promotion of the school to grade 7-9 students, as partners, with a genuine marketing strategy.

Introduction to Python Coding (22 January 2022) – this training regarding programming with Python had “Salih Ceka” and the Pre-University Education Office of Elbasan as co-working partners. A really fantastic experience that brought together girl students from the nine-year system schools and ICT teachers, and conveyed to them a new approach and worlding around Python.

“Salih Ceka” in Spoonbill Nest:

The school is an early participant in Spoonbill Nest and the Business Relations Coordinator is the connecting point, Mr. Kasapi. Serving as a project officer, he has developed our joint initiatives and projects. The last time, the school’s newest initiative was to increase the number of girls in the ICT direction and improve curricula by adapting to the needs of businesses and the labor market. These initiatives we feel proud for. Previous experience at Spoonbill Nest has strengthened the tradition of performing vocational practices near our premises and training students.

Project “Sustainable Hospitality Management”:

This project was thought to be an excellent alternative to update, modernize and digitize the Hotels and Tourism management curriculum, into the Sustainable Hospitality Management curriculum. The purpose of this project is to bring closer to contemporary standards the modern tourism and hospitality industry in the country. It seeks to do so by investing in education, through the creation of an ERP platform, which will connect all participating actors to ensure transparency and to bring graduate students with greater employment opportunities, with adaptation skills and ready to face market demands. This project will teach students about the ideas of skilling, reskilling and lifelong learning, introducing them simultaneously to the ideas of social, economic and environmental sustainability. All this to build long-term careers and development prospects.

Elite Travel Group, integrated part of the vocational school “Salih Ceka”:

During the three years of close cooperation, the company’s management staff and Elite Academy mentors have shown special care towards this relationship, coming from the desire and common spirit of trying new things, as well as from the excellent school students, who have enriched and added color to the company over time.

Our general manager, Mr. Kotherja was elected chairman of the school board, passing the experience and joint work to a higher level of professionalism.

The school management board is an internal school body, which aims to ensure performance quality, institutional support and social partners’ engagement.

The future

In the future we plan to expand this cooperation, to touch on other achievements, and to become part of valuable projects for society and the hospitality industry. We are hopeful that it is a long journey, which has just begun and will be successful.

News /Bashkëpunimi i ETG me shkollën Profesionale “Salih Ceka”

Posted on 6 April 2023

“Elite Travel Group gjithnjë ka dashur të jetë e freskët dhe të sjellë risi në fushën e turizmit. Nisur nga interesi vetjak, por edhe nga një studim i imtësishëm i gjendjes në vend, zhvilluam vizionin se Shqipëria kishte dhe vazhdon të ketë një nevojë të madhe për investim në arsimin profesional.

Them vizion për dy arsye. Pikë së pari, nevoja i bëri njerëzit të ndërgjegjësoheshin mbi këtë aspekt të rëndësishëm të tregut dhe së dyti ne kemi qenë të parët që kemi propozuar me këmbëngulje futjen e ‘Dual System’ në sistemin arsimor, një sistem të nxëni që nis që në shkollën e mesme e pasohet më pas në të lartën.

Nuk ka nxënës që të mos ketë talent dhe aftësi. Ato veçse duhen këshilluar dhe drejtuar në mënyrë të tillë që ta eksplorojnë të lirë dhe të sigurt talentin e tyre. Besoj se bashkëpunimi me shkollën profesionale ‘Salih Ceka’ është i suksesshëm pikërisht në sajë të udhërrëfimit që ne sigurojmë për nxënësit dhe dëshirës së përbashkët për të qenë përparimtarë.”

Elvis Kotherja, Manaxher i Përgjithshëm i ELITE TRAVEL GROUP

Si nisi bashkëpunimi?

Ky bashkëpunim nuk mund të shpjegohet pa njohur më parë traditën njëzet e një vjeçare të Elite Travel Group në fushën e turizmit Mikpritjes. Në vitin 2013 vizioni për futjen e sistemit dual në sistemin arsimor u gjithëpranua si një kërkesë e rëndësishme për zhvillimin e arsimit profesional. Në vitin 2019 Elite Travel Group kontaktohet dhe zhvillon bisedime me Koordinatorin e Marrëdhenieve me Biznesin të shkollës “Salih Ceka”, Juljan Kasapi (mësues i profilit TIK). Bisedimet u zhvilluan në linjën e praktikave profesionale në biznes (Ligji për arsimin profesional, Udhëzimi 14, Mars 2020). U arrit një marrëveshje (20 shkurt 2021) dhe në fillim 34 nxënës u bënë pjesë e këtyre praktikave, më pas 46, 70 dhe ky numër veçse rritet.

Asokohe shkolla ofronte drejtimet Hoteleri-Turizëm, Tekstil-Konfeksione, Instalues i Sistemeve Termohidraulikë, TIK, Ekonomi-Biznes, Përpunim Druri. Praktikat pranë Elite Travel Group filluan fillimisht në drejtimin Hoteleri-Turizëm në profilin Guidë Turistike dhe drejtiminTIK (programim, dizajn grafik dhe marketing digjital). Janë shtuar më pas profili Shërbime në Udhëtim dhe Turizëm (H-T) dhe profili Marketing Digjital Programim (TIK).

Ky bashkëpunim ka lulëzuar me kohën, duke forcuar miqësinë dhe bashkëpunimin mes shkollës dhe Elite Travel Group. Kjo marrëdhënie mes shkollës dhe biznesit të zonës i ka shërbyer komunitetit duke krijuar vende të reja pune dhe duke aftësuar profesionistë të së ardhmes. Vizioni i përbashkët mes dy strukturave ka çuar në krijimin dhe zbatimin e traditive dhe projekteve me vlerë dhe rëndësi. Katër nxënës të shkollës janë punësuar nga Elite Travel Group, fakt për të cilin ndihemi mirë dhe shpresëplotë për integrimin e të rinjve në treg.

Trajnimet e vazhdueshme

Klima e krijuar nga zhvillimi i praktikave profesionale i hapi rrugën zhvillimit të një sërë trajnimesh të ndryshme që lidhen drejtpërsëdrejti me aftësimin e nxënësve: Programim, Web design & Maintenance, Dizajn Grafik, Manaxhim Digjital, Operator Turistik, Agjent Turisitik e Këshilltar Udhëtimi. Këto trajnime janë bërë në bashkëpunim me Elite Academy, akademinë e kompanisë, e cila synon edukimin dhe aftësimin e të rinjve.

Përveç trajnimeve të vazhdueshme, në bashkëpunim me kompaninë, shkolla ka realizuar disa herë vizita pranë biznesit ku nxënësit kanë prekur nga afër përvojën e të punuarit në mjediset dhe me kërkesat e Elite Travel Group. Gjithashtu, bashkëpunimi ka vazhduar edhe në promovimin e përbashkët të shkollës tek nxënësit e shkollave 9-vjeçare, me Elite Travel Group si projekt strategjik i shkollës, me një strategji të mirëfilltë marketingu.

Introduction to Python Coding (22 Janar 2022) – ky trajnim në lidhje me hyrjen në programimin me Python kishte partner kyesorë shkollën profesionale “Salih Ceka” dhe Zyrën Vendore të Arsimit Parauniversitar Elbasan. Një përvojë me të vërtetë fantastike që mblodhi nxënëse (vajzat e shkollave 9-vjeçare për t’i nxitur të ndjekin ëndrrat dhe pasionin për teknologjinë e veçanërisht për programimin) dhe mësuesit e TIK të shkollave 9-vjeëare, i cili përçoi tek to një qasje dhe botëkutim të ri rreth Python.

“Salih Ceka” në Spoonbill Nest:

Shkolla është pjesëmarrëse e hershme në Spoonbill Nest dhe Koordinatori i Marrëdhënieve me Biznesin është pika lidhëse, z. Kasapi. Duke shërbyer si një officer projekti, ai ka manaxhuar nismat dhe projektet tona të përbashkëta. Herën e fundit, nisma më e re e shkollës ishte rritja e numrit të vajzave në drejtimin TIK dhe përmirësimi i kurrikulave duke iu përshtatur nevojave të bizneseve dhe tregut të punës. Nisma për të cilat ndihemi krenarë dhe falenderues për bashkëpunimin. Përvoja e mëparshme në Spoonbill Nest ka forcuar traditën e kryerjes së praktikave profesionale pranë ambienteve tona dhe trajnimin e nxënësve.

Projekti “Manaxhimi i Mikpritjes së Qëndrueshme”:

Ky projekt u mendua si një alternativë e shkëlqyer për të përditësuar, modernizuar dhe digjitalizuar kurrikulën e drejtimit Hoteleri dhe Turizëm, në kurrikulën e Manaxhimit të Mikpritjes së Qëndrueshme. Qëllimi i këtij projekti është të sjellë më afër standardeve bashkëkohore industrinë moderne të turizmit dhe mikpritjes në vend. Kërkon ta bëjë këtë duke investuar në arsim, nëpërmjet krijimit të një platforme të planifikimit sipërmarrës (ERP), e cila do të lidhë të gjithë aktorët pjesëmarrës për të siguruar transparencë dhe për të nxjerrë nxënës të diplomuar me mundësi më të mëdha punësimi, me aftësi përshtatjeje dhe gati për tu përballur me kërkesat e tregut. Ky projekt do t’i mësojë nxënësit në lidhje me idetë e aftësimit, riaftësimit dhe mësimit jetëgjatë, duke i prezantuar njëkohësisht me idetë e qëndrueshmërisë shoqërore, ekonomike dhe mjedisore. E gjithë kjo për të ndërtuar karriera afatgjata dhe me perspektivë zhvillimi. Eksperienca dhe certifikimi si Travel Life na bëjnë të gatshëm e të ndërgjegjshëm që përgjëgjësia jonë është e madhe.  

Elite Travel Group, pjesë e integruar e shkollës profesionale “Salih Ceka”:

Gjatë tre viteve bashkëpunimi të ngushtë, stafi drejtues i kompanisë dhe mentorët e Elite Academy kanë treguar një kujdes të veçantë ndaj kësaj marrëdhënieje, nisur nga dëshira dhe fryma e përbashkët e të guxuarit dhe provuarit gjëra të reja, si dhe prej nxënësve të shkëlqyer të shkollës, të cilët ndër kohë e kanë pasuruar dhe i kanë shtuar ngjyra kompanisë.

Menaxheri ynë i përgjithshëm, z. E. Kotherja u zgjodh kryetar i bordit të shkollës, duke e kaluar përvojën dhe punën e përbashkët në një nivel më të lartë profesionalizmi.

Bordi drejtues i shkollës është një organ i brendshëm i shkollës, i cili ka për qëllim sigurimin e cilësisë së performancës, mbështetjen e institucionit dhe angazhimin e partnerëve socialë.

E ardhmja

Në të ardhmen planifikojmë që ky bashkëpunim të zgjerohet, të prekim të tjera arritje dhe të bëhemi pjesë e projekteve me vlerë për shoqërinë dhe industrinë e mikpritjes. Jemi shpresëplotë se është një rrugëtim i gjatë, i cili sapo ka nisur dhe do të jetë i suksesshëm.

Corporate News /Çertifikimi i Qëndrueshmërisë Travelife për Elite Travel Group

Postuar 11 Jan 2022

Çertifikimi i Qëndrueshmërisë Travelife për Elite Travel Group

Elbasan, në 7 Shkurt 2022 Elite Travel Group përfitoi Certifikatën e Travelife. Për Elite Travel Group, ky certifikim vjen si shpërblim për punën e gjatë e të palodhshme që ka treguar si korporatë e cila kryeson në përpjekjet për qëndrueshmëri dhe përgjegjësi sociale.

Elite Travel Group qëndron, si një operator turistik, në përputhje të plotë me mbi 200 kritere të lidhura me: praktikat e qëndrueshme në mjedisin e punës, gamën e produkteve, marrëdhënien me partnerë internacional dhe marrëdhënien me klientin. Standardet e Travelife janë të akredituara prej kohësh nga Kombet e Bashkuara dhe në përputhje të plotë me kriteret Globale në aspektin e Turizmit të Qëndrueshëm (

Elite Travel Group është operatori i parë turistik në Shqipëri që ka fituar çmimin Travelife. Si pjesë e këtij procesi, i cili filloi në vitin 2018, Elite Travel Group arriti disa arritje, duke përfshirë:


  1. Trajnimin e të gjithë stafit mbi Qëndrueshmërinë dhe Turizmin e Qëndrueshëm.
  2. Reduktimin e përdorimit të letrësdhe kostove të energjisë nëpërmjet monitorimit të qëndrueshëm dhe politikave të blerjes.
  3. Ndarja e mbetjeve të zyrës për riciklim
  4. Informimi i klientëve rreth opsioneve të kompensimit të karbonit dhe shtimi i pyetjeve të qëndrueshmërisë në formularët e komenteve.
  5. Kontaktimi me furnitorët dhe postimi i Politikave dhe Kodit të Sjelljes tonë të Qëndrueshmërisë në faqet tona të internetit për të promovuar partneritete transparente dhe për të siguruar standardet më të larta etike në lidhje me çështjet e të drejtave të punonjësve, punës, trafikimit të fëmijëve, ndotjes dhe mbrojtjes së kafshëve dhe kulturës lokale të ndikuar nga turizmi.

‘‘Jam i gëzuar të shoh se qëndrueshmëria në sektorët e turizmit po merr rëndësinë e domosdoshme. Certifikimi i pionerëve të Elite Travel Group do të frymëzojë edhe kompani të tjera Shqiptare që të ndjekin të njëjtin rrugëtim’’

– Z. Naut Kusters, Manaxher i Përgjithshëm i Travelife për Operatorë Turistik

Travelife është kompani ndërkombëtare e cila certifikon kompanitë në sektorin e uhëtimeve/turizmit me certifikatën e qëndrueshmërisë. Mbi 40 shoqata turistike janë duke promovuar këtë model tek anëtarët e tyre, përfshirë këtu edhe 20 shoqata Europiane të turizmit. Nga viti 2012, mbi 1 500 operatorë turistikë në mbarë botën janë trajnuar në CSR dhe mbi 500 kanë arritur Certifikimin e Qëndrueshmërisë.


– Shënimet e redaktorit

Certifikata Travelife për Elite Travel Group

Rreth Travelife

Travelife është një skemë certifikimi, e dedikuar për arritjen e praktikave të qëndrueshme brenda industrisë së turizmit. Ajo u ofron kompanive qëllime realiste të qëndrueshmërisë, mjete dhe zgjidhje për të zbatuar ndryshime pozitive brenda bizneseve të tyre dhe zinxhirëve të furnizimit. Skema si dy seksione. Travelife për Hotele menaxhohet nga ABTA – Shoqata e Udhëtimit në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar. Travelife për operatorët turistikë menaxhohet nga ECEAT – një organizatë jofitimprurëse me qendër në Holandë.

Travelife për operatorët turistikë ofron trajnime në internet dhe mjete praktike për menaxhimin dhe certifikimin e qëndrueshmërisë. Mjetet e trajnimit dhe online janë të përshtatshme për operatorët turistikë të çdo madhësie dhe mbulojnë të gjitha aspektet e menaxhimit të biznesit të kompanisë së udhëtimit, duke përfshirë operacionet e zyrës, zinxhirin e furnizimit, destinacionet dhe konsumatorët. Me paraqitjen e një raporti në përputhje me standardin Travelife (bazuar në një auditim të pavarur në vend), kompania mund të marrë statusin “Travelife Certified”. Standardi Travelife bazohet në temat e plota të Përgjegjësisë Sociale të Korporatës, duke përfshirë kushtet e punës, të drejtat e njeriut, mjedisin, biodiversitetin dhe praktikat e drejta të biznesit. Kërkesat e menaxhimit janë në përputhje me EMAS dhe ISO 14001. Skema mbështetet nga më shumë se 35 shoqata kombëtare të udhëtimit për të çuar më tej zbatimin e saj midis anëtarëve.

News /COVID-19 Status Update

Posted on 03 Nov 2021

COVID-19: Situation Displayed by World Health Organization

COVID-19 in the Balkans

Covid-19, a respiratory disease, which had its origin in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has now spread globally. Inevitably, the Balkan region makes no exception. The outbreak of this virus evolves rapidly with new cases every day, but the statistics  show as follows:

Covid-19 Balkans

COVID-19 in Albania

In Albania, the cities with the reported cases are as listed below:

Covid-19 Albania - Big Table

Following the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Albanian government started to take some measures to slow down the spread of the disease. The government presented a few prevention measures regarding tourism this year.
For further information about travel in Albania, click here.

COVID-19 Prevention Measures in Albania

Public movement is restricted from 23:00 until 06:00 A.M, except for health reasons or emergencies. Masks remain mandatory for indoors and public transportation. It is recommended to keep the mask in all those places where is not possible to keep social distance and for those which have not received the full dose of vaccination. Night clubs remain closed. Activities are restricted from 23:00  until 06:00 A.M for bars and restaurant, except the delivery service. Outdoor gatherings will be allowed for up to 50 people, following the protocol of rules and social distance, set by the Institute of Public Health Albania: Sports championships, the activities of theatres, artistic, cultural performances, and conferences will be allowed with the presence of fans, with a reduced capacity of up to 30% according to the IPH protocol.

Traveling in Albania

Your wellbeing is primary for us. During this unprecedented situation created by COVID-19, we have been in touch with all the public institutions and local partners, to assure maximal security on all of your travels with us.

We have strictly followed and we have implemented all the guidelines and protocols published by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection & The Institute of Public Health, against the spread of the virus.

Starting from 06th of September 2021, to enter the Republic of Albania, whether by land, sea or air, you must be equipped with:

• Vaccination passport, which is valid 14 days after the second dose of vaccine has been administered; OR

• PCR test performed up to 72 hours before entry; OR

• Rapid antigen test performed within 48 hours before entry; OR

• Valid document proving that you have passed or recovered from Covid-19 up to 6 months after recovery;

• These criteria also applies to those travelers who transit through Albania; 

• Children up to the age of 6 are exempt from these criteria; 

• Albanian citizens residing in Albania, who return and do not have a document mentioned above, must be isolated for 10 days and inform the health authorities to perform a test at the end of isolation.

• Only traveling passengers will enter the airport building, avoiding being escorted by their family members;

• Passengers must respect the social distance of 1.5 meters during the entire stay at the airport;

• Priority is given to the elderly, people in need, and families with minor children; 


For more information:

News/Our experience with ISRAIR in 2021

Posted on 17 July 2021

Our Experience with ISRAIR in 2021

Ever since Albania became a green list country and was considered a no-risk destination, there have been discussions on the arrival of foreign tourists. 


In May, we had some great news about the restart of tourism in Albania. The first flight from Israir Airlines arrived at Tirana International Airport on May 13th. Israir is a well-known Israeli airline with an international reputation and is growing fastly in the Israeli market. 


Elite Travel Group and Israir established an agreement in 2018 to provide direct flights from Israel to Albania. Just like the rest of the world, the pandemic stopped these flights. However, Israel outpaced the rest of the world with its vaccination roll-out.

Vaccinated citizens received green passes to facilitate traveling. That is why tourists from Israel were some of the first that we were expecting. Tourists arriving with Israir flights to Albania were exclusively accommodated in 4-stars and 5-stars hotels in Tirana and Golem region in Durres.


During July, the charters were arriving 3 times a week, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday with a full capacity of 160 seats for each flight. 

What do they like the most about Albania?

Ohrid excursion israel tourists

Tourists from Israel have a wide range of preferred activities in Albania. Most of them are on leisure trips in hotels in Tirana and fewer in Durres beach hotels. They are satisfied with the activities and consider Albania as a well-balanced value for money destination. Mostly, they are interested in cultural trips, adventure, and outdoor activities. Their most preferred programs are Off-Road Tours with 4×4 cars throughout Albania and other Balkan countries. This is because, in their country, the military is mandatory and lasts three years. Consequently, they got the skills to adapt to mountains, wildlife, and be great drivers in off-road tours.


Another reason why they love Albania is because of our water resources. In Israel, they lack these kinds of resources, and they use filters to transform salty water into normal water suitable for drinking and normal daily usage. Tourists from Israel also like Albania because of the past relations from WWII. Albanians have welcomed and supported them during those hard times.

Albanian tourism and the future

The arrival of Israeli tourists is a green light and a sign that tourism in Albania will soon start to breathe and hopefully return to the previous levels before the pandemic.


We are working hard and hope that Albania will become a year-round destination for Israeli guests. Tackling seasonality is Elite Travel Group’s and Israir’s common mission and vision for the hospitality industry after the Covid-19 pandemic.

News / ETG cooperation with vet schools

Posted on 12 Nov 2020

ETG cooperation with VET schools:

32 students in 4 disciplines

It has been a while now that we have introduced our Corporation Social Responsibility project, which concerns the education and training of the youth in our city. That is why we created the Elite Academy. A sub-brand exclusively dedicated to all those interested in learning new skills for the future of the workplace. Of course, our main partners in this initiative have been the VET Schools of Elbasan. European Vocational Skills Week

Multimedia Course

How Elite Travel Group cooperates with schools?

We started our cooperation with these schools earlier in 2008, while our brand in cooperation with the international and central government, wanted to implement Dual VET education in tourism (German model).


It has been a long journey and finally after the legislation improvements during 2018, 2019, and now, we are excited to share our progress. We introduced our first courses, which consisted of theoretical and practical teaching.


Luckily, we had great communication with these VET schools who trusted in our guidance for their students. At first, we had 14 students who participated in our training courses in different categories. All those who had good English skills were directly employed part-time in their field of interest. This year, we have 33 students in the first semester already, and we expect to double this number during the second semester. European Vocational Skills Week

Developer course
Marketing Course

What do we aspire to achieve?

Our goal is to support the young students of these schools by mentoring, inspiring them, and also offering them internship opportunities. This is something that the educational system in Elbasan has lacked for several years now.


The youth needs to be aware of the opportunities that they have in their country, and also discover their passion. As our General Manager, Mr. Elvis Kotherja, says – “Every single student has their own talent. However, we should be patient and show them all we have to offer and tell them what is in for them. In this way, they can understand and choose what they are good at.” 


So, we aspire to set a new standard in education in our city. We believe that next year we will have a lot more to tell regarding the cooperation between an enterprise, VET schools, and local institutions. Stay tuned for our next updates!

Driving Towards a Sustainable Future with Elite Travel Group and Elite Mobility

News Driving Towards a Sustainable Future with Elite Travel Group and Elite Mobility Posted on 5 June 2024 “We believe that true sustainability means investing and taking actionable steps to ensure a better future for our planet.” At Elite Mobility, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond words. We believe that true sustainability means investing and taking actionable steps to ensure a better future for our planet. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on providing exceptional mobility services while prioritizing environmental responsibility. Leading the Way with (EV) electric vehicle transfers In 2024, we are proud to announce that 90% of our transfers within Albania, covering distances up to 150 km, are organized using (EV) electric vehicles. This significant shift towards e-cars is part of our broader strategy to reduce our carbon footprint and promote greener travel options. Each year, we process over 7,000 transfers with our fleet and third-party vehicles, and this move to electric vehicles is a testament to our dedication to sustainable practices. Our Sustainability Commitment Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Elite Mobility. Our initiatives are driven by the belief that taking tangible actions today will pave the way for a sustainable tomorrow. From adopting electric vehicles to investing in a modern fleet, we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Aiming for Excellence in Fleet Modernization By 2030, Elite Mobility aims to be the number one company in Albania and the region with the newest and most modern coach fleet. We are investing in advanced, eco-friendly coaches that provide comfort, safety, and efficiency for our passengers. This commitment to fleet modernization ensures that we not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers, offering them the best possible travel experience. Previous image Next image Elite Mobility from 2025 “No Borders” with a presence in EU Our vision extends beyond national & regional boundaries. We aim to have no borders within the Western Balkans and EU, facilitating seamless travel experiences across regions and European countries. By enhancing connectivity and providing reliable, efficient transport solutions, we strive to make travel more accessible and enjoyable for all our clients no matter where they land or take off in the EU or Western Balkans. By May 2024, a delegation from Elite Travel Group and Auto Star Albania visited the factory of Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches in Ulm/Germany. Dritan Tabaku, Doret & Elvis Kotherja from ETG and Mr. Sokol Kodra from Auto Star Albania. We met there with the management and ordered already the first new 0 km Mercedes Benz coach ever ordered from Albania. Previous image Next image Elite Mobility purchased a Mercedes Benz RHD Tourismo From Auto Star Albania that will be delivered in the first months of 2025, all this is shows that we are committed to continue to path to our objectives and vision. Auto Star Albania sh.a., the official representative of Mercedes-Benz in Albania, has been a success story since its establishment in 1996 as the first official distributor of vehicles in the country. Since joining the Kastrati Group in 2015 (one of the major commercial groups in Albania), Auto Star Albania has significantly expanded its facilities and services, offering a state-of-the-art showroom, enhanced service areas, and extensive spare parts storage. The company continues to lead the market with innovative financing options and a commitment to advanced technology and professional staff development. […]

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Elite Travel Group, an active participant in Key Events of the Tourism Industry during the last quarter of the year.

Elite Travel Group

News Elite Travel Group, an active participant in Key Events of the Tourism Industry during the last quarter of the year. Posted on 23 January 2024 During Q4 of 2023, the managing director of Elite Travel Group, Mr. Elvis Kotherja, has been an engaged stakeholder at some of the major events within the tourism, travel and hospitality industry 1. Roundtable Meeting – State Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate & American Chamber of Commerce. “The Global Entrepreneurship Week” created an interesting space for discussion in the “Morning at Work” of the American Chamber of Commerce with the Minister of Entrepreneurship, Delina Ibrahimaj. The central topics related to the business climate, which are shared in the work, became the focal point of discussion between the leaders of the committees at AmCham and Minister Ibrahimaj.” 2. Meeting with Tourism Associations – Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate (Deregulation). The Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate has recently undertaken an initiative to further facilitate services to businesses in all sectors of the economy. Mrs. Delina Ibrahimaj, the Minister for Entrepreneurship and Business Climate, was present at this important meeting, organized at the Ministry’s premises. The aim of the meeting was the clarification and facilitation of all processes for business entrepreneurs. The meeting included experts, association leaders, and business entrepreneurs as invited guests. 3. Meeting with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment The Ministry of Tourism and Environment is reviewing the amended law 93/2015 “On Tourism,” as well as initiating work on drafting the “National Tourism Strategy 2024-2030.” The changes in tourism legislation focus on: – Continuous improvement of the quality of services in the tourism sector. – Building a healthy and safe environment, respecting the needs of host communities. The changes aim to simplify procedures for carrying out tourist activities, creating a business-friendly climate without compromising service standards. 4. Horwath HTL and Tourism and Hospitality Development Strategy 2024–2030. Horwath HTL has been selected by the Albanian government to consult and develop the “Tourism and Hospitality Development Strategy 2024–2030.” Mr. Elvis Kotherja was present in a meeting with the experts. The focus was on discussing, addressing, and advising on issues of sustainable tourism and the vision from the perspective of a business leader, as well as the leader of the hospitality and tourism committee at AMCHAM. 5. Professions in Tourism. Cooperation Agreement with Faculty of Foreign Languages. Mr. Elvis Kotherja, the company’s managing director had meeting and discussion with Prof. Dr. Esmeralda Kromidha, the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Topics concerning the professions within the hospitality and tourism industry were discussed. The discussion also covered professional practices, scientific research, and study programs involving partner universities for dual degrees. Towards the meeting’s conclusion, a cooperation agreement for research and professional practices with the Elite Travel Group was formalized. 6. AMCHAM Meeting – Faculty of Foreign Languages The American Chamber participated in the ‘Open Days‘ event at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, sharing, through its members’ activities, their experiences and expectations regarding the workforce in accordance with market needs.”. Mr. Elvis Kotherja, as the head of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee at AMCHAM, was present at this meeting. A practical discussion among all participants focused on how the school prepares students with skills to navigate a changing market every day. The discussion also touched on how businesses should engage with the university system to orient it in organizing curricula. 7. School’s Board of Directors -AMCHAM In his role as the Head of the Business Management Board of the Elbasan Professional School, Mr. Elvis Kotherja was invited to the AKPA offices. Following Ministry of Finance and Economy Directive no. 14, dated May 27, 2021, which addresses the organization and activities of educational and vocational training institutions, as well as human resource management aspects, the structure of the unit responsible for the development of education providers, vocational training, and continuous professional development underwent changes. The Central Directorate of the National Employment and Skills Agency conducted the procedures for selecting the Director of the Elbasan Professional School. In the first days of January, Mr. Leonidha Haxhinikolla was selected as the director of the professional school. Best of luck to the director, staff, and the Elbasan Professional School. […]

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Elite Travel Group featured in “The Best Pictures from Albania” by FVW Medien

Best Pictures from Albania

News Elite Travel Group featured in “The Best Pictures from Albania” by FVW Medien Posted on 6 November 2023 As the tourism industry grows in Albania, so does the interest from foreign travel corporations. In particular, the German market. During the summer season of 2023 Elite Travel Group hosted an inspection trip or otherwise known as a familiarization trip “FAM Trip” with a group of representatives from German travel companies accompanied by a journalist of the prestigious German travel media “FVW” which is the go-to media for all senior executives of the German travel industry. The photos of this “FAM Trip” have been featured in the latest announcement that Albania will officially be the host country of ITB 2025, the largest travel event in the world hosted every March in the city of Berlin. You can find the article here: The photos featured our Managing Director, Elvis Kotherja and our Head of Sales and Partnerships, Krist Dodbiba. Elite Travel Group will continue dedicating itself to the development of the Albanian hospitality industry through its travel products, close relationships with local hospitality suppliers, and our efforts in the field of education. Elite Travel Group Everlasting Experiences         Previous image Next image […]

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Press Release: Elite Travel Group Honored with the Prestigious SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania 2023

Press Release

News Elite Travel Group Honored with the Prestigious SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania 2023 Posted on 31 October 2023 Tirana, Albania, October 24, 2023 – On the occasion of United Nations Day, the Embassy of Sweden in Albania and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) proudly announced the launch of the inaugural SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania 2023. We are thrilled to declare that Elite Travel Group has been honored as the winner in the Medium Enterprise category. The SDG Business Pioneers Award Albania is a visionary initiative aimed at recognizing and celebrating companies that demonstrate dedication to sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Elite Travel Group has consistently shown an unwavering commitment to driving positive change through our product offerings, operational practices, and overarching business strategies. Among a total of 61 diverse Albanian enterprises, our organization underwent a rigorous three-tiered evaluation process. This comprehensive assessment included UNDP internal shortlisting, external evaluation by industry experts, and meticulous due diligence to ensure transparency and accountability in the selection process. Emerging as a standout example of sustainable leadership within the Medium Enterprise category is a testament to our dedication to a more sustainable future. The entire team at Elite Travel Group is honored to represent Albania as an SDG Business Pioneer. We recognize that our journey towards sustainability is a collective effort, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported us along the way. Elite Travel Group Everlasting Experiences […]

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ETG cooperation with “Salih Ceka” VET school

Salih Ceka Vet School

News/ETG cooperation with “Salih Ceka” VET school Posted on 6 April 2023 “Elite Travel Group has always wanted to be up to date and bring innovation to the field of tourism. Based on personal interest, but also on an insurmountable study of the situation in the country, we developed the vision that Albania had and continues to have a great need for investment in vocational education. I say vision for two reasons. First, the need made people aware of this important aspect of the market and secondly, we have been the first to persistently propose the introduction of ‘Dual System’ in the education system, a system that starts at high school then followed at university. There are no students not to have talent and skills. They should only be advised and directed in such a way as to explore their talent free and securely. I believe that cooperation with the vocational school ‘Salih Ceka’ is successful precisely thanks to the guideline we provide for students and the common desire to be progressive.” Elvis Kotherja, General Manager of ELITE TRAVEL GROUP How did cooperation begin? This cooperation cannot be redeemed without first recognizing the twenty-one-year tradition of Elite Travel Group in the field of tourism. In 2013 the vision for the introduction of the dual system into the education system was readily accepted as an important requirement for the development of vocational education. In 2019 Elite Travel Group is contacted and held talks with the School Business Coordinator, Julian Kasapi (ICT profile teacher). Talks took place on the line of vocational practices (Law on vocational education, Instruction 14, March 2020) in business. An agreement was reached (20 February 2021) and at first 34 students became part of these practices, then 46, 70 and this number gets bigger by the day. At the time the school offered to students the profiles of Hotels and Tourism, Textile-Confusions, Thermohydraulic Systems Installer, ICT, Economics-Business, Wood Processing. Practices near Elite Travel Group initially began in Hotels and Tourism of in the Tourist Guide profile and TIK direction (programming, graphic design). Profile Services on Travel and Tourism have then been added (H-T) and Digital Marketing Profile (ICT). This collaboration has flourished over time, strengthening friendship and collaboration between the school and Elite Travel Group. This relationship has served the community by creating new jobs and training future professionals. The common vision between the two structures has led to the creation and implementation of traditions and projects of value and importance. Four school students have been employed by Elite Travel Group, a fact that we feel good and hopeful about integrating young people into the market. Ongoing training The climate created by the development of practices paved the way for the development of a number of different trainings related directly to student training: Programming, Web Full-Stack Page Development, Graphic Design, Digital Management, Tourist Operator, Touristic Agent. These training has been done in collaboration with Elite Academy, the company’s academy, which aims to educate and train young people. In addition to ongoing training, in cooperation with the company, the school has several times visited the business where students have closely affected the experience of working in the premises and with the demands of Elite Travel Group. Also, cooperation has also continued in the joint promotion of the school to grade 7-9 students, as partners, with a genuine marketing strategy. Introduction to Python Coding (22 January 2022) – this training regarding programming with Python had “Salih Ceka” and the Pre-University Education Office of Elbasan as co-working partners. A really fantastic experience that brought together girl students from the nine-year system schools and ICT teachers, and conveyed to them a new approach and worlding around Python. “Salih Ceka” in Spoonbill Nest: The school is an early participant in Spoonbill Nest and the Business Relations Coordinator is the connecting point, Mr. Kasapi. Serving as a project officer, he has developed our joint initiatives and projects. The last time, the school’s newest initiative was to increase the number of girls in the ICT direction and improve curricula by adapting to the needs of businesses and the labor market. These initiatives we feel proud for. Previous experience at Spoonbill Nest has strengthened the tradition of performing vocational practices near our premises and training students. Project “Sustainable Hospitality Management”: This project was thought to be an excellent alternative to update, modernize and digitize the Hotels and Tourism management curriculum, into the Sustainable Hospitality Management curriculum. The purpose of this project is to bring closer to contemporary standards the modern tourism and hospitality industry in the country. It seeks to do so by investing in education, through the creation of an ERP platform, which will connect all participating actors to ensure transparency and to bring graduate students with greater employment opportunities, with adaptation skills and ready to face market demands. This project will teach students about the ideas of skilling, reskilling and lifelong learning, introducing them simultaneously to the ideas of social, economic and environmental sustainability. All this to build long-term careers and development prospects. Elite Travel Group, integrated part of the vocational school “Salih Ceka”: During the three years of close cooperation, the company’s management staff and Elite Academy mentors have shown special care towards this relationship, coming from the desire and common spirit of trying new things, as well as from the excellent school students, who have enriched and added color to the company over time. Our general manager, Mr. Kotherja was elected chairman of the school board, passing the experience and joint work to a higher level of professionalism. The school management board is an internal school body, which aims to ensure performance quality, institutional support and social partners’ engagement. The future In the future we plan to expand this cooperation, to touch on other achievements, and to become part of valuable projects for society and the hospitality industry. We are hopeful that it is a long journey, which has just begun and will be successful. BACK TO BLOG PAGE […]

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Bashkëpunimi i ETG me shkollën Profesionale “Salih Ceka”

Bashkëpunimi i ETG

News /Bashkëpunimi i ETG me shkollën Profesionale “Salih Ceka” Posted on 6 April 2023 “Elite Travel Group gjithnjë ka dashur të jetë e freskët dhe të sjellë risi në fushën e turizmit. Nisur nga interesi vetjak, por edhe nga një studim i imtësishëm i gjendjes në vend, zhvilluam vizionin se Shqipëria kishte dhe vazhdon të ketë një nevojë të madhe për investim në arsimin profesional. Them vizion për dy arsye. Pikë së pari, nevoja i bëri njerëzit të ndërgjegjësoheshin mbi këtë aspekt të rëndësishëm të tregut dhe së dyti ne kemi qenë të parët që kemi propozuar me këmbëngulje futjen e ‘Dual System’ në sistemin arsimor, një sistem të nxëni që nis që në shkollën e mesme e pasohet më pas në të lartën. Nuk ka nxënës që të mos ketë talent dhe aftësi. Ato veçse duhen këshilluar dhe drejtuar në mënyrë të tillë që ta eksplorojnë të lirë dhe të sigurt talentin e tyre. Besoj se bashkëpunimi me shkollën profesionale ‘Salih Ceka’ është i suksesshëm pikërisht në sajë të udhërrëfimit që ne sigurojmë për nxënësit dhe dëshirës së përbashkët për të qenë përparimtarë.” Elvis Kotherja, Manaxher i Përgjithshëm i ELITE TRAVEL GROUP Si nisi bashkëpunimi? Ky bashkëpunim nuk mund të shpjegohet pa njohur më parë traditën njëzet e një vjeçare të Elite Travel Group në fushën e turizmit Mikpritjes. Në vitin 2013 vizioni për futjen e sistemit dual në sistemin arsimor u gjithëpranua si një kërkesë e rëndësishme për zhvillimin e arsimit profesional. Në vitin 2019 Elite Travel Group kontaktohet dhe zhvillon bisedime me Koordinatorin e Marrëdhenieve me Biznesin të shkollës “Salih Ceka”, Juljan Kasapi (mësues i profilit TIK). Bisedimet u zhvilluan në linjën e praktikave profesionale në biznes (Ligji për arsimin profesional, Udhëzimi 14, Mars 2020). U arrit një marrëveshje (20 shkurt 2021) dhe në fillim 34 nxënës u bënë pjesë e këtyre praktikave, më pas 46, 70 dhe ky numër veçse rritet. Asokohe shkolla ofronte drejtimet Hoteleri-Turizëm, Tekstil-Konfeksione, Instalues i Sistemeve Termohidraulikë, TIK, Ekonomi-Biznes, Përpunim Druri. Praktikat pranë Elite Travel Group filluan fillimisht në drejtimin Hoteleri-Turizëm në profilin Guidë Turistike dhe drejtiminTIK (programim, dizajn grafik dhe marketing digjital). Janë shtuar më pas profili Shërbime në Udhëtim dhe Turizëm (H-T) dhe profili Marketing Digjital Programim (TIK). Ky bashkëpunim ka lulëzuar me kohën, duke forcuar miqësinë dhe bashkëpunimin mes shkollës dhe Elite Travel Group. Kjo marrëdhënie mes shkollës dhe biznesit të zonës i ka shërbyer komunitetit duke krijuar vende të reja pune dhe duke aftësuar profesionistë të së ardhmes. Vizioni i përbashkët mes dy strukturave ka çuar në krijimin dhe zbatimin e traditive dhe projekteve me vlerë dhe rëndësi. Katër nxënës të shkollës janë punësuar nga Elite Travel Group, fakt për të cilin ndihemi mirë dhe shpresëplotë për integrimin e të rinjve në treg. Trajnimet e vazhdueshme Klima e krijuar nga zhvillimi i praktikave profesionale i hapi rrugën zhvillimit të një sërë trajnimesh të ndryshme që lidhen drejtpërsëdrejti me aftësimin e nxënësve: Programim, Web design & Maintenance, Dizajn Grafik, Manaxhim Digjital, Operator Turistik, Agjent Turisitik e Këshilltar Udhëtimi. Këto trajnime janë bërë në bashkëpunim me Elite Academy, akademinë e kompanisë, e cila synon edukimin dhe aftësimin e të rinjve. Përveç trajnimeve të vazhdueshme, në bashkëpunim me kompaninë, shkolla ka realizuar disa herë vizita pranë biznesit ku nxënësit kanë prekur nga afër përvojën e të punuarit në mjediset dhe me kërkesat e Elite Travel Group. Gjithashtu, bashkëpunimi ka vazhduar edhe në promovimin e përbashkët të shkollës tek nxënësit e shkollave 9-vjeçare, me Elite Travel Group si projekt strategjik i shkollës, me një strategji të mirëfilltë marketingu. Introduction to Python Coding (22 Janar 2022) – ky trajnim në lidhje me hyrjen në programimin me Python kishte partner kyesorë shkollën profesionale “Salih Ceka” dhe Zyrën Vendore të Arsimit Parauniversitar Elbasan. Një përvojë me të vërtetë fantastike që mblodhi nxënëse (vajzat e shkollave 9-vjeçare për t’i nxitur të ndjekin ëndrrat dhe pasionin për teknologjinë e veçanërisht për programimin) dhe mësuesit e TIK të shkollave 9-vjeëare, i cili përçoi tek to një qasje dhe botëkutim të ri rreth Python. “Salih Ceka” në Spoonbill Nest: Shkolla është pjesëmarrëse e hershme në Spoonbill Nest dhe Koordinatori i Marrëdhënieve me Biznesin është pika lidhëse, z. Kasapi. Duke shërbyer si një officer projekti, ai ka manaxhuar nismat dhe projektet tona të përbashkëta. Herën e fundit, nisma më e re e shkollës ishte rritja e numrit të vajzave në drejtimin TIK dhe përmirësimi i kurrikulave duke iu përshtatur nevojave të bizneseve dhe tregut të punës. Nisma për të cilat ndihemi krenarë dhe falenderues për bashkëpunimin. Përvoja e mëparshme në Spoonbill Nest ka forcuar traditën e kryerjes së praktikave profesionale pranë ambienteve tona dhe trajnimin e nxënësve. Projekti “Manaxhimi i Mikpritjes së Qëndrueshme”: Ky projekt u mendua si një alternativë e shkëlqyer për të përditësuar, modernizuar dhe digjitalizuar kurrikulën e drejtimit Hoteleri dhe Turizëm, në kurrikulën e Manaxhimit të Mikpritjes së Qëndrueshme. Qëllimi i këtij projekti është të sjellë më afër standardeve bashkëkohore industrinë moderne të turizmit dhe mikpritjes në vend. Kërkon ta bëjë këtë duke investuar në arsim, nëpërmjet krijimit të një platforme të planifikimit sipërmarrës (ERP), e cila do të lidhë të gjithë aktorët pjesëmarrës për të siguruar transparencë dhe për të nxjerrë nxënës të diplomuar me mundësi më të mëdha punësimi, me aftësi përshtatjeje dhe gati për tu përballur me kërkesat e tregut. Ky projekt do t’i mësojë nxënësit në lidhje me idetë e aftësimit, riaftësimit dhe mësimit jetëgjatë, duke i prezantuar njëkohësisht me idetë e qëndrueshmërisë shoqërore, ekonomike dhe mjedisore. E gjithë kjo për të ndërtuar karriera afatgjata dhe me perspektivë zhvillimi. Eksperienca dhe certifikimi si Travel Life na bëjnë të gatshëm e të ndërgjegjshëm që përgjëgjësia jonë është e madhe. Elite Travel Group, pjesë e integruar e shkollës profesionale “Salih Ceka”: Gjatë tre viteve bashkëpunimi të ngushtë, stafi drejtues i kompanisë dhe mentorët e Elite Academy kanë treguar një kujdes të veçantë ndaj kësaj marrëdhënieje, nisur nga dëshira dhe fryma e përbashkët e të guxuarit dhe provuarit gjëra të reja, si dhe prej nxënësve të shkëlqyer të shkollës, të cilët ndër kohë e kanë […]

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Certifikata e Qendrueshmerise

Sustainability DNA

Corporate News /Çertifikimi i Qëndrueshmërisë Travelife për Elite Travel Group Postuar 11 Jan 2022 Çertifikimi i Qëndrueshmërisë Travelife për Elite Travel Group Elbasan, në 7 Shkurt 2022 Elite Travel Group përfitoi Certifikatën e Travelife. Për Elite Travel Group, ky certifikim vjen si shpërblim për punën e gjatë e të palodhshme që ka treguar si korporatë e cila kryeson në përpjekjet për qëndrueshmëri dhe përgjegjësi sociale. Elite Travel Group qëndron, si një operator turistik, në përputhje të plotë me mbi 200 kritere të lidhura me: praktikat e qëndrueshme në mjedisin e punës, gamën e produkteve, marrëdhënien me partnerë internacional dhe marrëdhënien me klientin. Standardet e Travelife janë të akredituara prej kohësh nga Kombet e Bashkuara dhe në përputhje të plotë me kriteret Globale në aspektin e Turizmit të Qëndrueshëm ( Elite Travel Group është operatori i parë turistik në Shqipëri që ka fituar çmimin Travelife. Si pjesë e këtij procesi, i cili filloi në vitin 2018, Elite Travel Group arriti disa arritje, duke përfshirë: Trajnimin e të gjithë stafit mbi Qëndrueshmërinë dhe Turizmin e Qëndrueshëm. Reduktimin e përdorimit të letrësdhe kostove të energjisë nëpërmjet monitorimit të qëndrueshëm dhe politikave të blerjes. Ndarja e mbetjeve të zyrës për riciklim Informimi i klientëve rreth opsioneve të kompensimit të karbonit dhe shtimi i pyetjeve të qëndrueshmërisë në formularët e komenteve. Kontaktimi me furnitorët dhe postimi i Politikave dhe Kodit të Sjelljes tonë të Qëndrueshmërisë në faqet tona të internetit për të promovuar partneritete transparente dhe për të siguruar standardet më të larta etike në lidhje me çështjet e të drejtave të punonjësve, punës, trafikimit të fëmijëve, ndotjes dhe mbrojtjes së kafshëve dhe kulturës lokale të ndikuar nga turizmi. ‘‘Jam i gëzuar të shoh se qëndrueshmëria në sektorët e turizmit po merr rëndësinë e domosdoshme. Certifikimi i pionerëve të Elite Travel Group do të frymëzojë edhe kompani të tjera Shqiptare që të ndjekin të njëjtin rrugëtim’’ – Z. Naut Kusters, Manaxher i Përgjithshëm i Travelife për Operatorë Turistik Travelife është kompani ndërkombëtare e cila certifikon kompanitë në sektorin e uhëtimeve/turizmit me certifikatën e qëndrueshmërisë. Mbi 40 shoqata turistike janë duke promovuar këtë model tek anëtarët e tyre, përfshirë këtu edhe 20 shoqata Europiane të turizmit. Nga viti 2012, mbi 1 500 operatorë turistikë në mbarë botën janë trajnuar në CSR dhe mbi 500 kanë arritur Certifikimin e Qëndrueshmërisë. – Shënimet e redaktorit Certifikata Travelife për Elite Travel Group Rreth Travelife Travelife është një skemë certifikimi, e dedikuar për arritjen e praktikave të qëndrueshme brenda industrisë së turizmit. Ajo u ofron kompanive qëllime realiste të qëndrueshmërisë, mjete dhe zgjidhje për të zbatuar ndryshime pozitive brenda bizneseve të tyre dhe zinxhirëve të furnizimit. Skema si dy seksione. Travelife për Hotele menaxhohet nga ABTA – Shoqata e Udhëtimit në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar. Travelife për operatorët turistikë menaxhohet nga ECEAT – një organizatë jofitimprurëse me qendër në Holandë. Travelife për operatorët turistikë ofron trajnime në internet dhe mjete praktike për menaxhimin dhe certifikimin e qëndrueshmërisë. Mjetet e trajnimit dhe online janë të përshtatshme për operatorët turistikë të çdo madhësie dhe mbulojnë të gjitha aspektet e menaxhimit të biznesit të kompanisë së udhëtimit, duke përfshirë operacionet e zyrës, zinxhirin e furnizimit, destinacionet dhe konsumatorët. Me paraqitjen e një raporti në përputhje me standardin Travelife (bazuar në një auditim të pavarur në vend), kompania mund të marrë statusin “Travelife Certified”. Standardi Travelife bazohet në temat e plota të Përgjegjësisë Sociale të Korporatës, duke përfshirë kushtet e punës, të drejtat e njeriut, mjedisin, biodiversitetin dhe praktikat e drejta të biznesit. Kërkesat e menaxhimit janë në përputhje me EMAS dhe ISO 14001. Skema mbështetet nga më shumë se 35 shoqata kombëtare të udhëtimit për të çuar më tej zbatimin e saj midis anëtarëve. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]

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COVID-19 Status Update

News /COVID-19 Status Update Posted on 03 Nov 2021 COVID-19: Situation Displayed by World Health Organization COVID-19 in the Balkans Covid-19, a respiratory disease, which had its origin in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has now spread globally. Inevitably, the Balkan region makes no exception. The outbreak of this virus evolves rapidly with new cases every day, but the statistics  show as follows: For further information about travel in the Balkans, visit the websites below: Bulgaria: Croatia: Greece: Romania: Slovenia: Bosnia & Herzegovina: Montenegro: North Macedonia: Serbia: Kosovo: COVID-19 in Albania In Albania, the cities with the reported cases are as listed below: Following the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Albanian government started to take some measures to slow down the spread of the disease. The government presented a few prevention measures regarding tourism this year. For further information about travel in Albania, click here. COVID-19 Prevention Measures in Albania Public movement is restricted from 23:00 until 06:00 A.M, except for health reasons or emergencies. Masks remain mandatory for indoors and public transportation. It is recommended to keep the mask in all those places where is not possible to keep social distance and for those which have not received the full dose of vaccination. Night clubs remain closed. Activities are restricted from 23:00  until 06:00 A.M for bars and restaurant, except the delivery service. Outdoor gatherings will be allowed for up to 50 people, following the protocol of rules and social distance, set by the Institute of Public Health Albania: Sports championships, the activities of theatres, artistic, cultural performances, and conferences will be allowed with the presence of fans, with a reduced capacity of up to 30% according to the IPH protocol. Traveling in Albania Your wellbeing is primary for us. During this unprecedented situation created by COVID-19, we have been in touch with all the public institutions and local partners, to assure maximal security on all of your travels with us. We have strictly followed and we have implemented all the guidelines and protocols published by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection & The Institute of Public Health, against the spread of the virus. Starting from 06th of September 2021, to enter the Republic of Albania, whether by land, sea or air, you must be equipped with: • Vaccination passport, which is valid 14 days after the second dose of vaccine has been administered; OR • PCR test performed up to 72 hours before entry; OR • Rapid antigen test performed within 48 hours before entry; OR • Valid document proving that you have passed or recovered from Covid-19 up to 6 months after recovery; • These criteria also applies to those travelers who transit through Albania;  • Children up to the age of 6 are exempt from these criteria;  • Albanian citizens residing in Albania, who return and do not have a document mentioned above, must be isolated for 10 days and inform the health authorities to perform a test at the end of isolation. • Only traveling passengers will enter the airport building, avoiding being escorted by their family members; • Passengers must respect the social distance of 1.5 meters during the entire stay at the airport; • Priority is given to the elderly, people in need, and families with minor children;  For more information: […]

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Our experience with ISRAIR

Our History

News/Our experience with ISRAIR in 2021 Posted on 17 July 2021 Our Experience with ISRAIR in 2021 Ever since Albania became a green list country and was considered a no-risk destination, there have been discussions on the arrival of foreign tourists.  In May, we had some great news about the restart of tourism in Albania. The first flight from Israir Airlines arrived at Tirana International Airport on May 13th. Israir is a well-known Israeli airline with an international reputation and is growing fastly in the Israeli market.  ETG and ISRAIR Elite Travel Group and Israir established an agreement in 2018 to provide direct flights from Israel to Albania. Just like the rest of the world, the pandemic stopped these flights. However, Israel outpaced the rest of the world with its vaccination roll-out. Vaccinated citizens received green passes to facilitate traveling. That is why tourists from Israel were some of the first that we were expecting. Tourists arriving with Israir flights to Albania were exclusively accommodated in 4-stars and 5-stars hotels in Tirana and Golem region in Durres. During July, the charters were arriving 3 times a week, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday with a full capacity of 160 seats for each flight.  What do they like the most about Albania? Tourists from Israel have a wide range of preferred activities in Albania. Most of them are on leisure trips in hotels in Tirana and fewer in Durres beach hotels. They are satisfied with the activities and consider Albania as a well-balanced value for money destination. Mostly, they are interested in cultural trips, adventure, and outdoor activities. Their most preferred programs are Off-Road Tours with 4×4 cars throughout Albania and other Balkan countries. This is because, in their country, the military is mandatory and lasts three years. Consequently, they got the skills to adapt to mountains, wildlife, and be great drivers in off-road tours. Another reason why they love Albania is because of our water resources. In Israel, they lack these kinds of resources, and they use filters to transform salty water into normal water suitable for drinking and normal daily usage. Tourists from Israel also like Albania because of the past relations from WWII. Albanians have welcomed and supported them during those hard times. Albanian tourism and the future The arrival of Israeli tourists is a green light and a sign that tourism in Albania will soon start to breathe and hopefully return to the previous levels before the pandemic. We are working hard and hope that Albania will become a year-round destination for Israeli guests. Tackling seasonality is Elite Travel Group’s and Israir’s common mission and vision for the hospitality industry after the Covid-19 pandemic. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]

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ETG and VET schools

World work

News / ETG cooperation with vet schools Posted on 12 Nov 2020 ETG cooperation with VET schools: 32 students in 4 disciplines It has been a while now that we have introduced our Corporation Social Responsibility project, which concerns the education and training of the youth in our city. That is why we created the Elite Academy. A sub-brand exclusively dedicated to all those interested in learning new skills for the future of the workplace. Of course, our main partners in this initiative have been the VET Schools of Elbasan. European Vocational Skills Week How Elite Travel Group cooperates with schools? We started our cooperation with these schools earlier in 2008, while our brand in cooperation with the international and central government, wanted to implement Dual VET education in tourism (German model). It has been a long journey and finally after the legislation improvements during 2018, 2019, and now, we are excited to share our progress. We introduced our first courses, which consisted of theoretical and practical teaching. Luckily, we had great communication with these VET schools who trusted in our guidance for their students. At first, we had 14 students who participated in our training courses in different categories. All those who had good English skills were directly employed part-time in their field of interest. This year, we have 33 students in the first semester already, and we expect to double this number during the second semester. European Vocational Skills Week What do we aspire to achieve? Our goal is to support the young students of these schools by mentoring, inspiring them, and also offering them internship opportunities. This is something that the educational system in Elbasan has lacked for several years now. The youth needs to be aware of the opportunities that they have in their country, and also discover their passion. As our General Manager, Mr. Elvis Kotherja, says – “Every single student has their own talent. However, we should be patient and show them all we have to offer and tell them what is in for them. In this way, they can understand and choose what they are good at.”  So, we aspire to set a new standard in education in our city. We believe that next year we will have a lot more to tell regarding the cooperation between an enterprise, VET schools, and local institutions. Stay tuned for our next updates! BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]

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