Blog /Java e Turizmit Religjioz Posted on 21 Feb 2023 Java e Turizmit Religjioz “Ne në Elite Travel Group e shohim gjithmonë me përparësi kulturën dhe përhapjen e saj tek të rinjtë dhe të huajt. Të certifikuar Travelife në lidhje me qëndrueshmërinë, besojmë se turizmi fetar është një element i rëndësishëm i kulturës sonë që përçon vlerën dhe traditën e bashkëjetesës fetare në Shqipëri. Të interesuar gjithashtu për të krijuar produkte të reja kulturore, ku pa dyshim feja ka nje peshë specifike dhe mjaft të rëndësishme, ndihmojmë edhe në zbutjen e sezonalitetit. Ne besojmë se duhet t’i ndihmojmë të rinjtë të informohen mbi vlerat fetare, të investohen duke studiuar dhe hulumtuar, duke nxjerrë në dukje vlerat e turizmit fetar. I gjithë ky proces, i ndihmon ta kthejnë punën e tyre në pasion, të mbledhin informacione dhe dije cilesore, si dhe të krijojnë mundësi aplikimi të asaj çka kanë studiuar në punësim për një të ardhme të qëndrueshme.” – Elvis Kotherja, Managing Director ELITE TRAVEL GROUP Java e Turizmit Religjioz dhe Elite Travel Group si partner: Java e Turizmit Religjioz (JTR) është një nismë e Forumit të Turizmit Religjioz të Kolegjit Universitar Logos (KUL). Elite Travel Group, ngahera ka qenë mbështetëse e nismave dhe kauzave që i shërbejnë komunitetit dhe qëndrushmërisë. Duke e parë turizmin religjioz si një aspekt të rëndësishëm të turizmit të qëndrueshëm ne kemi vendosur ta mbështesim këtë nismë në disa mënyra. Ne e shohim këtë si një mundësi të artë për të integruar vlerat e muslimanizmit, ortodoksisë, katolicizmit dhe bektashizmit në një kulturë të përhershme shqiptare. Turizmi religjioz si pjesë e qëndrueshmërisë: Turizmi religjioz është një subjekt i shkëlqyer për tu shndërruar në një sferë të përhershme të qëndrueshmërisë. Kulturalisht ai ndihmon në kërkimin e njerëzve për besim, njohje dhe kuptim. Ekonomikisht, turizmi religjioz ndihmon në ndërtimin e ekonomive lokale të komuniteteve dhe shërben si një mbledhës i mirë i njerëzve. Nga ana mjedisore, ky lloj turizmi evokon respekt dhe përkujdesje ndaj objekteve me rëndësi fetare dhe natyrore që janë pjesë të rëndësishme të trashëgimisë sonë. Në këtë botëkuptim, ne e shohim turizmin religjioz si një investim të padiskutueshëm në të mirë të Shqipërisë. Vetë koncepti i bashkëjetesës fetare mbi të cilin mbështetet, shërben si një nxitës ogurmirë për zhvillimin dhe përmirësimin e tij. Duke u përpjekur për një turizëm religjioz tërësisht të qëndrueshëm, ne mbrojmë dhe pasurojmë kulturën dhe traditën tonë. Si ndihmojmë ne: Mbështesim nismën Duke mbështetur nismën e JTR-së ne sigurohemi për zhvillimin dhe përparimin e elementëve të qëndrueshmërisë në Shqipëri. Mbështesim studentët Elite Travel Group do të ofrojë disa bursa studimi në programin e Turizmit Religjios pranë KUL. Në këtë mënyrë ne lëmë gjurmë dhe thjeshtëzojmë rrugëtimin e studentëve, duke ushqyer komunitetin me vlera dhe profesionistë. Mbështetemi tek entitetet fetare Në përfundim të eventit do t’i besojmë entiteteve fetare disa detyra. Së pari entitetet fetare duhet të inventarizojnë gjithë objektet me vlerë historike, kulturore, shpirtërore në lëmin fetar. Duhet të ndërlidhin punën e tyre me materiale shkencore, botime, përmbajtje të shkruar dhe pamore, mirëmbajten e tyre sa më bashkëkohore, dhe manaxhimin e tyre nga profesionistët e rinj. Së dyti, ato duhet të ndërgjegjësojnë në masë shoqërinë, veçanërisht të rinjtë rreth rëndësisë, vlerave, mundësive dhe përmbushjes shpirtërore që ofron turizmi religjioz. Jemi mirënjohës për Prof. Dr. Georgios Gaitanos, i cili lekton pranë KUL dhe është kujdesur personalisht për përfshirje e zotit Elvis Kotherja dhe Elite Travel Group në Javën e Turizmit Religjioz. BACK TO BLOG PAGE […]
Category: Blog
Religious Tourism Week
Blog /Religious Tourism Week Posted on 21 Feb 2023 Religious Tourism Week “At Elite Travel Group we have always seen culture and its spread to youth and foreigners as a priority. Certified by Travelife regarding sustainability, we believe religious tourism is a valuable aspect of our culture, communicating the value and tradition of religious coexistence in Albania. Also interested in creating new cultural products, where religion has a very specific and special importance, we also help mitigating seasonality. We believe we must raise awareness about religious values to young people, help them invest through studying and researching, making religious tourism benefits evident. This hole process, contributes in them turning work to a passion, accumulating qualitative knowledge and information and also creating possibilities to apply what they’ve studied in their employment for a sustainable future.” – Elvis Kotherja, Managing Director ELITE TRAVEL GROUP Religious Tourism Week and Elite Travel Group as a partner: Religious Tourism Week (RTW) it’s an initiative of the Religious Tourism Forum at Logos University College (LUC). Elite Travel Group, has always supported such initiatives and causes that contribute to community and sustainability. Seeing religious tourism as an important field of sustainable tourism we have decided to support the event in different ways. We look at it as a golden opportunity to integrate Muslimism, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Bektashism in a permanent Albanian culture. Religious tourism as part of sustainability: Religious tourism it’s an awesome subject to be transformed in a permanent sustainability medium. Culturally, it helps people in their seek for belief, identity and understanding. Economically, religious tourism helps building local communities’ economy and serves as a great meeting point for people. Environmentally, this type of tourism evokes respect and compassion for objects of religious and natural importance, as they are a huge part of our heritage. From this point of view, we are convinced religious tourism is an absolute needed investment for the benefit of Albania. The religious coexistence concept on which it takes meaning, serves as a good-omen promoter for development and optimizing. Attempting towards a sustainable religious tourism we protect and enrich our culture and traditions. How we help: Supporting the initiative By supporting the RTE we make sure to promote development and going forward with sustainability matters in Albania. Supporting students Elite Travel Group will offer some study scholarships on the Religious Tourism program in partnership with LUC. This way, we make sure to leave our traces and feed community with values and professionals. Relying on religious entities In the long run, we’ll trust the religious entities with some duties. First, they will have to inventory all objects of historical, cultural and spiritual significance in the religious spectrum. They’ll need to interlink their work with scientific materials, published works, written and visual content, contemporary maintenance and the young professionals’ management. Secondly, they’ll have to raise great awareness on the importance, values, opportunities and fulfillment religious tourism has to offer. We’re thankful for Dr. Prof. Georgios Gaitanos, who’s seen personally for Mr. Elvis Kotherja’s and Elite Travel Group’s participation in the Religious Tourism Week. BACK TO BLOG PAGE […]
Kompanitë më të Mëdha Turistike në Shqipëri sipas të Ardhurave në vitin 2022
News Kompanitë më të Mëdha Turistike në Shqipëri sipas të Ardhurave në vitin 2022 Posted on 10 August 2022 Industria e turizmit në Shqipëri ka qenë në rritje të qëndrueshme, me kompani të ndryshme që luajnë një rol të rëndësishëm në nxitjen e kësaj rritjeje. Në vitin 2022, disa operatorë turistikë dhe agjenci udhëtimi dolën në pah si lojtarë kyç në treg, bazuar në performancën e tyre të të ardhurave. Ja një vështrim mbi kompanitë kryesore turistike në Shqipëri për vitin 2022. 1.Albtours D-Vas Tour Operator Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 2,769,622,858.00 Albtours D-Vas Tour Operator udhëhoqi industrinë e turizmit në Shqipëri në vitin 2022 me një të ardhur të jashtëzakonshme prej 2.77 miliardë lekësh. Rrjeti i gjerë dhe paketat gjithëpërfshirëse të udhëtimit e kanë bërë këtë kompani një zgjedhje kryesore për udhëtarët që kërkojnë cilësi dhe besueshmëri. 2.Globus Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 2,532,730,975.00 Në vendin e dytë, Globus gjeneroi të ardhura të konsiderueshme prej mbi 2.53 miliardë lekësh në vitin 2022. E njohur për gamën e gjerë të shërbimeve të udhëtimit, Globus ka ruajtur një pozicion të fortë në treg duke përmbushur vazhdimisht kërkesat e klientelës së saj të larmishme. 3.Elite Travel Group Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 1,512,169,360.00 Elite Travel Group, një emër i njohur në industrinë e turizmit shqiptar, regjistroi të ardhura prej 1.51 miliardë lekësh në vitin 2022. Angazhimi i kompanisë për të ofruar përvoja të personalizuara udhëtimi, teknologji të avancuar, dhe shërbime të cilësisë së lartë vazhdon të tërheqë një bazë besnike klientësh. Duhet theksuar qe Elite Travel Group nuk merr pjesë në asnjë tender publik të shpallur nga qeveria shqiptare. Operacionet e ETG kryhen në mënyrë të pavarur, dhe ne jemi të përkushtuar për të ofruar shërbime të cilësisë së lartë të udhëtimit bazuar vetëm në ekspertizën tonë dhe ofertat e tregut. 4.ATHS Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 1,079,142,111.00 ATHS, me të ardhura që kalojnë 1 miliard lekë, vazhdon të jetë një lojtar kyç në tregun e turizmit në Shqipëri. Aftësia e tyre për të përmbushur nevoja dhe preferenca të ndryshme të udhëtimit ka forcuar pozicionin e tyre si një operator turistik kryesor. 5.Kalemi Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 869,844,219.00 Kalemi realizoi të ardhura prej gati 870 milionë lekësh në vitin 2022, duke shënuar praninë e saj si një kontribuues i rëndësishëm në industrinë e turizmit në Shqipëri. Përkushtimi i kompanisë për të ofruar përvoja unike dhe tërheqëse udhëtimi ka qenë çelësi i suksesit të saj. 6.Landways International Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 768,098,803.00 Landways International arriti të ardhura të konsiderueshme prej rreth 768 milionë lekësh në vitin 2022. Fokusimi i tyre në ofrimin e përvojave të jashtëzakonshme të udhëtimit u ka lejuar të krijojnë një vend të veçantë në sektorin konkurrues të turizmit. 7.Cosmos Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 729,768,555.00 Cosmos, me të ardhura prej rreth 730 milionë lekësh në vitin 2022, vazhdon të jetë një emër i rëndësishëm në sektorin e turizmit. Qasja e tyre strategjike dhe ofertat e larmishme i kanë ndihmuar të mbeten konkurrues në treg. 8.Union Travel CO Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 388,843,726.00 Union Travel CO gjeneroi të ardhura prej gati 389 milionë lekësh në vitin 2022. Performanca e tyre e qëndrueshme dhe aftësia për të përmbushur nevojat e klientëve kanë siguruar vendin e tyre ndër kompanitë kryesore turistike të Shqipërisë. 9.JONA Travel & Tours Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 235,967,073.00 JONA Travel & Tours regjistroi të ardhura prej rreth 236 milionë lekësh në vitin 2022. Suksesi i kompanisë i atribuohet qasjes së saj të përqendruar te klienti dhe fokusit të fortë në ofrimin e përvojave të jashtëzakonshme të udhëtimit. Explorer Travel & Tours Të ardhurat (2022): ALL 122,014,043.00 Explorer Travel & Tours, me të ardhura prej rreth 122 milionë lekësh në vitin 2022, vazhdon të ofrojë përvoja tërheqëse dhe të paharrueshme udhëtimi. Përkushtimi i tyre ndaj cilësisë dhe kënaqësisë së klientit u ka fituar një bazë besnike klientësh. Industria e turizmit në Shqipëri vazhdon të lulëzojë, me këto kompani që kryesojnë në vitin 2022. Historitë e tyre të suksesit janë një dëshmi e tërheqjes në rritje të Shqipërisë si një destinacion turistik dhe përkushtimit të këtyre kompanive për të ofruar përvoja të jashtëzakonshme udhëtimi. Ndërsa industria evoluon, këto kompani janë të gatshme të vazhdojnë të formësojnë të ardhmen e turizmit në Shqipëri. Të dhëna nga Open Corporates […]
Top Travel Companies in Albania by Revenue in 2022
News Top Travel Companies in Albania by Revenue in 2022 Posted on 10 August 2022 The tourism industry in Albania has been steadily growing, with various companies playing a significant role in driving this growth. In 2022, several tour operators and travel agencies emerged as key players in the market, based on their revenue performance. Here’s a look at the top tourist companies in Albania for the year 2022. 1. Albtours D-Vas Tour Operator Revenue (2022): ALL 2,769,622,858.00 Albtours D-Vas Tour Operator led the Albanian tourism industry in 2022 with a remarkable revenue of ALL 2.77 billion. The company’s extensive network and comprehensive tour packages have made it a top choice for travelers seeking quality and reliability. 2. Globus Revenue (2022): ALL 2,532,730,975.00 Coming in second, Globus generated a significant revenue of over ALL 2.53 billion in 2022. Known for its wide range of travel services, Globus has maintained its strong position in the market by consistently meeting the demands of its diverse clientele. 3. Elite Travel Group Revenue (2022): ALL 1,512,169,360.00 Elite Travel Group, a well-established name in the Albanian tourism industry, recorded a revenue of ALL 1.51 billion in 2022. The company’s commitment to offering personalized travel experiences, high end technology, and high-quality services continues to attract a loyal customer base. Elite Travel Group does not engage in any public tenders issued by the Albanian government. ETG operations are conducted independently, and we are committed to providing high-quality travel services based solely on our expertise and market offerings. 4. ATHS Revenue (2022): ALL 1,079,142,111.00 ATHS, with a revenue surpassing ALL 1 billion, continues to be a key player in the Albanian tourism market. Their ability to cater to various travel needs and preferences has solidified their position as a leading tour operator. 5. Kalemi Revenue (2022): ALL 869,844,219.00 Kalemi earned a revenue of nearly ALL 870 million in 2022, marking its presence as a significant contributor to Albania’s tourism industry. The company’s dedication to providing unique and engaging travel experiences has been key to its success. 6. Landways International Revenue (2022): ALL 768,098,803.00Landways International achieved a commendable revenue of approximately ALL 768 million in 2022. Their focus on delivering exceptional travel experiences has allowed them to carve out a niche in the competitive tourism sector. 7. Cosmos Revenue (2022): ALL 729,768,555.00 Cosmos, with a revenue of approximately ALL 730 million in 2022, continues to be a prominent name in the tourism sector. Their strategic approach and diverse offerings have helped them remain competitive in the market. 8. Union Travel CO Revenue (2022): ALL 388,843,726.00 Union Travel CO generated a revenue of nearly ALL 389 million in 2022. Their consistent performance and ability to meet customer needs have secured their place among Albania’s top tourist companies. 9. JONA Travel & Tours Revenue (2022): ALL 235,967,073.00 JONA Travel & Tours recorded a revenue of approximately ALL 236 million in 2022. The company’s success is attributed to its customer-centric approach and a strong focus on delivering exceptional travel experiences. 10. Explorer Travel & Tours Revenue (2022): ALL 122,014,043.00 Explorer Travel & Tours, with a revenue of approximately ALL 122 million in 2022, continues to offer exciting and memorable travel experiences. Their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has earned them a loyal customer base. The tourism industry in Albania continues to thrive, with these companies leading the charge in 2022. Their success stories are a testament to the growing appeal of Albania as a top tourist destination and the dedication of these companies to delivering exceptional travel experiences. As the industry evolves, these companies are poised to continue shaping the future of tourism in Albania. Data by Open Corporates […]
ETG – Travelife Certified
Blog /Travelife Certified Sustainability Award for Elite Travel Group Posted on 11 Jan 2022 Travelife Certified Sustainability Award for Elite Travel Group Elbasan, February 7, 2022 – Elite Travel Group received the Travelife Certified award today. The award is a recognition for the long-term efforts and sustainability and corporate social responsibility leadership Elite Travel Group has demonstrated. Elite Travel Group is in compliance with more than 200 criteria relating to a tour operators’ sustainability practices in office management, product range, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife standard covers the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights, and labor relations; and is formally recognized as in full compliance with the UN-supported Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. Elite Travel Group is the first tour operator in Albania to have achieved the Travelife Certified award. As part of this process, which began in 2018, Elite Travel Group achieved several milestones, including: Training All Staff on Sustainability & Sustainable Tourism Reducing Energy and Paper Usage and Costs through sustainable monitoring and purchasing policies. Separating Office Waste for Recycling Informing clients about carbon offset options & adding sustainability questions to feedback forms. Contacting suppliers and posting our Sustainability Policies and Code of Conduct on our websites to promote transparent partnerships and ensure the highest ethical standards regarding issues of Employee Rights, Child Labor and Trafficking, Pollution, and Protection of Animals and Local Culture impacted by Tourism. “I am delighted to see that sustainability in the tour operators sector is gaining momentum. The award of the trailblazer Elite Travel Group will inspire other companies in Albania to follow the same path,” – Mr. Naut Kusters, General Manager of Travelife for Tour Operators Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 40 national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members, including 20 European Travel associations and The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Since 2012, more than 1,500 tour operators have been trained in CSR and more than 500 tour operators have received a Travelife award. Elite Travel Group Travelife Certification Editor notes About Elite Travel Group About Travelife Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 40 national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members, including 20 European Travel associations and The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Since 2012, more than 1,500 tour operators have been trained in CSR and more than 500 tour operators have received a Travelife award. Travelife is a certification scheme, dedicated to achieving sustainable practices within the tourism industry. It provides companies with realistic sustainability goals, tools and solutions to implement positive change within their businesses and supply chains. The scheme as two sections. Travelife for Hotels is managed by ABTA – The UK Travel Association. Travelife for Tour operators is managed by ECEAT- a not-for-profit organisation based in The Netherlands. Travelife for Tour Operators provides online training and practical tools for sustainability management and certification. The training and online tools are suitable for tour operators of any size and cover all management aspects of the travel company business including office operations, the supply chain, destinations and consumers. Upon submitting a report in compliance with the Travelife standard (based on an independent onsite audit), the company can obtain the “Travelife Certified” status. The Travelife standard is based upon the full Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including labour conditions, human rights, environment, biodiversity and fair business practices. The management requirements are compatible with EMAS and ISO 14001. The scheme is supported by more than 35 national travel associations to further its implementation among members. BACK TO BLOG PAGE […]
Corporate Retreats in Albania
Blog/Corporate Retreats in Albania Written by Juliane Zimmerman / Posted on 31 Jan 2022 Corporate Retreats in Albania For more than a year now, organizations and businesses have been forced to cope with the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ever-changing rules and regulations, or the shift towards an increasingly flexible, dynamic, and digitized work culture are just a few to mention. Many of these impacts leave enterprises continuously struggling to adjust their day-to-day business, and their employees drained and longing for social connections. Sounds familiar? Then maybe you should consider taking your team on a corporate retreat … in Albania! Why should you plan a corporate retreat in Albania? First of all, the question is: Why should you plan a corporate retreat? Two benefits of a corporate retreat are that it will give your employees both a chance to recharge their batteries and plenty of opportunities to bond. Beyond that, a retreat can be much more than a fun or – depending on whether company members actually know and like each other – slightly forced and awkward group holiday: A corporate retreat will usually involve intensive working sessions, allowing you and your team to focus on the bigger picture. Far away from the noises and disturbances of everyday life. Defining macro-strategies, hatching new product ideas, giving the company philosophy that long-needed upgrade, training your staff on a new online-collaboration tool – you name it. The next question then is: Why out of all places in the world should you pick Albania as the location for your corporate retreat? Well. Have you been to Albania? Whether you want to get away from everything, or get inspired by a vibrant urban atmosphere; whether you are looking for a rustic guesthouse, a cozy boutique hotel, or a beach resort with plenty of meeting venues and a large SPA offers; whether you want your employees to bond over an escape room game, a challenging hiking adventure, a yoga session on the beach, or while sampling some delicious Albanian wines – we have it all! And despite its diversity, Albania is also a conveniently small country. This means you will get from the airport to your retreat location no time wasted. When should you go? Without doubt, Albania is beautiful all year round, and finding the perfect time for your retreat also depends on the location and the activities you have in mind. We, however, especially recommend you to plan your corporate retreat in Albania in spring or autumn. During that time, the weather will still be sunny and warm but not too hot, and you will have the natural, historical, and cultural sites almost exclusively to yourselves. BACK TO BLOG NEWS […]
Blog/Spoonbill Nest Innovation Center Posted on 24 Nov 2021 SPOONBILL NEST INNOVATION CENTER AS THE 1ST GREEN DESTINATION REPRESENTATIVE FOR ALBANIA AND KOSOVO Spoonbill Nest Innovation Center, in conjunction with Elite Travel Group, located in Elbasan, becomes the 1st Green Destination Representative for Albania and Kosovo. Spoonbill Nest Innovation Center has signed a contract with Green Destinations, an international organization dedicated to sustainable tourism development, to become their first independent representative in Albania. Spoonbill Nest will also support destinations in Kosovo that wish to become Green Destinations. GREEN DESTINATIONS is a non-profit foundation aiming sustainable destination development and recognition, through a global partnership of representatives to achieve a more decentralized approach towards the same goal, building a sustainable destinations community. Green Destinations offers cities, municipalities, protected areas, and private destinations an opportunity to gain international recognition for their social, economic, and environmental sustainability efforts, through certification and competition in their annual TOP 100 competition. *for more information about green destinations visit: SPOONBILL NEST INNOVATION CENTER is a non-profit and VET Centre, focused on education, training and society building for Albanian youth, with a goal of creating a more digital, inclusive, and sustainable society. Working mostly in the IT and tourism sectors, their intention is to enhance practical skills to fill the needs of the labor market and raise awareness among Albanian youth regarding sustainable development, building a society and economy that supports and values the natural environment. This year, Spoonbill Nest Innovation Center is taking a step forward by becoming a part of this worldwide network of Representatives, promoting the concept of sustainability in the tourism sector by representing Green Destinations in both Albania and Kosovo, and will be approaching new destinations to be a part of the program. Those wishing to find out more about the Green Destinations program should email for more information. BACK TO BLOG PAGE […]
Elite Travel Albania Cooperation with Visa Concord
News/First Flight from Yerevan to Tirana Posted on 20 Jul 2021 First Flight from Yerevan to Tirana International Airport Another link has been established with Tirana International Airport. On July 10, 2021, the first charter from Yerevan, Armenia arrived in Tirana. Direct flights will be carried out during the high season by Albawings, an Albanian airline. Discussions started since March 2021 and finally it was made possible with a cooperation between Visa Concord, Elite Travel Albania, and Albawings. Visa Concord Travel Group is one of the leading Armenian travel agencies. It was founded in 1997 and has almost 20 years of experience in the travel industry. In addition, they are a member of the Lufthansa City Center franchise and an accredited partner of IATA and American Express Travel. Some of their clients are large private companies operating in Armenia. We are proud that Visa Concord is cooperating with Elite Travel Albania to bring our undiscovered Mediterranean country closer to its clients and Armenian tourists. They will be offering different travel packages. These packages will include some of the best accommodation options in Albania and tours starting from coastal cities to important historical and cultural centers. We hope that this first flight is only the beginning of many more and we start to see the revitalisation of the Albanian tourism. Stay tuned for more updates! BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
The creative playground
Blog/the creative playground Posted on 23 Aug 2019 The creative playground – Elite Travel Group Play-Doh, a human knot, and planting a tree – what is happening at Elite Travel Group’s headquarter?! To improve communication and team play within the Elite Travel Group as well as with our partners we are constantly working to grow as a company. Therefore we invited Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel from Germany. Prof. Dr. Claudia works at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development at the faculty of Sustainable Business focusing on tourism. She held an active Design Thinking Workshop to experience a new and creative way to approach future challenges. What is Design Thinking ? The concept Design Thinking Workshop is a creative process to define challenges and come up with possibilities and prototypes and to test new ideas to find the best solutions for the company. For two days our team was motivated and moderated through the workshop by Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel. The main aim: strengthening the team spirit, thinking outside the box, handling a challenge from another perspective – so why not use Play-Doh?! Team building methods like games such as the Gordian knot or a one-on-one interview on a personal level to get to know each other make for a good warm-up – as if it was not hot enough already with 40 degrees outside. After the fun part always comes the creative workflow: Within three groups the Elite Travel Group team identified the responsibilities, the values, and purpose of the company, their own role, and personal goals by using the canvas model. Have you ever asked yourself what your personal role is in your company? What are your strengths and what do you expect from your company and yourself? Creativity was needed from everyone for the actual Design Thinking Challenge on the second day. The Challenge: “How might we reach our customer directly with the most fitting product or service?” Three groups approached the challenge from three different perspectives by starting to define the underlined words. The mix of different people from different backgrounds with different opinions obviously resulted in a wide-ranging understanding. The air got heated up by all these creative minds and ideas. To visualize the outcome of the brainstorming every team member dug deep and let shine through their inner child- and that’s what Play-Doh and lots of other craft materials were used. To conclude the two days Design Thinking Workshop the whole Elite Travel Group team planted a tree together as a symbol of achieving something together as the Elite Travel Family as well as a symbol of creating everlasting experiences and let something grow together. Hand in hand, for a better future. BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
A journey toward sustainability
Blog /A journey towards sustainability Posted on 15 Jan 2020 Travelife: a journey towards sustainability Sustainability integration in business is slowly starting to increase because companies are beginning to realize that they can be more successful by doing good. But what does sustainability mean in business? Seeing this great impact of the sustainability strategies, we decided that it was time to incorporate one in our company as well. That is how we found out about Travelife. Travelife is a sustainability system, founded in 2007, which promotes sustainable practices in the travel and tourism industry. This program includes three stages: The two main categories that are influenced by sustainability in business are society and the environment. A sustainable business must have a strategy to positively affect these fields. On the contrary, if they do not claim responsibility it can bring up issues such as environmental damage and social injustice. Travelife Engaged Travelife Partner Travelife Certified Since March 2019, Elite Travel Group is a Travelife Partner and since February 2022 Travelife Certified. What are ETG’s aspirations? As we are about to be the first Albanian company Travelife certified, we know how important it is to have common sense and to care for social life, for the economy of the area and region in which we live, and, last but not least, care about the environment. Sustainability as a concept comes with different challenges in different countries. Since we are considered a country under development, our biggest focus remains on the social aspect. We are pioneering the sustainable policies in Albania, through our public and social activities, society-building concepts through education and training for the young, teacher communities, and the suppliers. We strongly believe that education is the best means by which we can provide the support to tackle the economic and environmental aspects. We know that we alone cannot change the place we live in, but alone we can inspire others and be copied by them, to make today better than yesterday. What are our achievements so far and what are we planning? It is worth emphasizing some of our most remarkable moments in this journey towards sustainability. During October 2019 we had the Green Month at our office, which consisted of weekly activities to improve the environment. In the photos below you can see some of them: Green October: Overshoot Day Green October: A Sustainability Challenge Green October: Action Day Limiting elevator usage Something else that we are doing currently is limiting the usage of the elevator at our headquarters. In this way, we can save electricity and encourage our employees to be more active. […]
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