Blog/covid: the worlds new enemy Posted on 27 Mar 2020 Covid-19: The world’s new enemy pandemic We are all experiencing difficult times at the moment. People’s lives all over the world are disrupted by the coronavirus – also known as Convid-19. Many people are infected and sadly many have already lost their lives. This disease changed the way we live our lives, the environment we live in and mobility is almost paralyzed, our economies, and our work environment has never seen or experienced before such a big disruption. covid-19 pandemic balkans Especially, the tourism sector is affected by this situation to an existential extent. COVID-19 IN THE BALKANS Covid-19, a respiratory disease, which had its origin in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has now spread globally. Inevitably, the Balkan region makes no exception. The outbreak of this virus evolves rapidly with new cases every day, but as of 30th of March. covid-19 pandemic balkans BACK TO CORPORATE NEWS […]
The world’s new enemy

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